Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Donald Bailey
Peer Reviewed

Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

The Tragedy of Othello

1605Cas. I but Lady,
The pollicy may either last so long,
Or feede vpon such nice, and watrish diet,
Or breed it selfe, so out of circumstance,
That I being absent, and my place supplied,
1610My Generall will forget my loue and seruice:
Desd. Doe not doubt that, before Emillia here,
I giue thee warrant of thy place; assure thee
If I doe vow a friendship, I'le performe it
To the last Article; my Lord shall neuer rest,
1615I'le watch him tame, and talke him out of patience;
His bed shall seeme a schoole, his boord a shrift,
I'le intermingle euery thing he does,
With Cassio's suite; therefore be merry Cassio,
For thy soiliciter shall rather die,
1620Then giue thee cause: away.

Enter Othello, Iago, and Gentlemen.
Em. Madam, here comes my Lord.
Cas. Madam, I'le take my leaue.
Desd. Why stay and heare me speake.
1625Cas. Madam not now, I am very ill at ease,
Vnfit for mine owne purpose.
Desd. Well, doe your discretion. Exit Cassi}o.
Iag. Ha, I like not that.
Oth. What doest thou say?
1630Iag. Nothing my Lord; or if, I know not what.
Oth. Was not that Cassio parted from my wife?
Iag. Cassio my Lord? -- no sure, I cannot thinke it,
That he would sneake away so guilty-like,
Seeing you comming.
1635Oth. I doe beleeue twas he.
Desd. How now my Lord,
I haue beene talking with a suiter here,
A man that languishes in your displeasure.
Oth. Who i'st you meane?
1640Desd. Why your Leiutenant Cassio, good my Lord,