Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Donald Bailey
Peer Reviewed

Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

The Moore of Venice.

He might not but refuse you: but he protests he loues you,
And needes no other suitor but his likings,
1569.1To take the safest occasion by the front,
1570To bring you in againe.
Cas. Yet I beseech you,
If you thinke fit, or that it may be done,
Giue me aduantage of some briefe discourse
With Desdemona alone.
1575Em. Pray you come in,
I will bestow you where you shall haue time,
To speake your bosome freely.
1580Enter Othello, Iago, and other Centlemen.

Oth. These letters giue Iago, to the Pilate,
And by him, doe my duties to the State;
That done, I will be walking on the workes,
Repaire there to me.
1585Iag. Well my good Lord, I'le do't.
Oth. This fortification Gentlemen, shall we see't?
Gent. We waite vpon your Lordship.
Enter Desdemona, Cassi}o and Emillia.
1590Des. Be thou assur'd good Cassio, I will doe
All my abilities in thy behalfe.
Em. Good Madam do, I know it grieues my husband,
As if the case were his.
1595Desd. O that's an honest fellow: - do not doubt Cassio,
But I will haue my Lord and you againe,
As friendly as you were.
Cas. Bountious Madame,
What euer shall become of Michael Cassio,
1600Hee's neuer any thing but your true seruant.
Desd. O sir, I thanke you, you doe loue my Lord:
You haue knowne him long, and be you well assur'd,
He shall in strangest, stand no farther off,
Then in a politique distance.