Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Donald Bailey
Peer Reviewed

Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

The Tragedy of Othello

masters heere's money for you, and the Generall so likes your mu-
1530sique, that hee desires you of all loues, to make no more noyse
with it.
Boy, Well sir, we will not.
Clo. If you haue any musique that may not bee heard, to't
againe, but as they saay, to heare musique, the Generall does not
1535greatly care.
Boy. We ha none such sir.
Clo. Then put your pipes in your bag, for I'le away; goe, va-
nish away.
Cas. Doest thou heare my honest friend?
1540Clo. No, I heare not your honest friend, I heare you.
Cas. Preethee keepe vp thy quillets, there's a poore peece of
gold for thee: if the Gentlewoman that attends the Cenerals wife
be stirring: tell her there's one Cassio, entreates her alittle fauour of
1545speech --- wilt thou doe this?
Clo. She is stirring sir, if she will stirre hither, I shall seeme to no-
tifie vnto her. Enter Iago.
Cas. Doe good my friend: In happy time Iago.
1550Iag. You ha not bin a bed then.
Cas. Why no, the day had broke before we parted:
I ha made bold Iago, to send in to your wife, --my suite to her,
Is, that she will to vertuous Desdemona,
Procure me some accesse.
1555Iag. I'le send her to you presently,
And Ile deuise a meane to draw the Moore
Out of the way, that your conuerse and businesse,
May be more free. Exit.
Cas. I humbly thanke you for it: I neuer knew
1560A Florentine more kinde and honest:
Enter Emilla.
Em. Good morrow good Leiutenant, I am sorry
For your displeasure, but all will soone be well,
The Generall and his wife are talking of it,
1565And she speakes for you stoutly: the Moore replies,
That he you hurt is of great fame in Cypres,
And great affinity, and that in wholesome wisedome,