Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Donald Bailey
Peer Reviewed

Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

The Tragedy of Othello

1210Cas. Fore God this is a more exquisite song then the other.
Iag. Will you hear't agen?
Cas. No, for I hold him vnworthy of his place, that does those
things: well, God's aboue all, and there bee soules that must bee
Iag. It is true good Leiutenant.
Cas. For mine own part, no offence to the Generall, nor any man
of quality, I hope to be saued.
1220Iag. And so doe I Leiutenant.
Cas. I, but by your leaue, not before me; the Leiutenant is to be
saued before the Ancient. Let's ha no more of this, let's to our af-
faires: God forgiue vs our sins: Gentlemen, let's looke to our busi-
nesse; Doe not thinke Gentlemen I am drunke, this is my Ancient,
1225this is my right hand, and this is my left hand: I am not drunke now,
I can stand well enough, and speake well enough.
All. Excellent well.
Cas. Very well then: you must not thinke, that I am drunke. Ex.
Mon. To the plotforme maisters. Come, let's set the watch.
Iag. You see this fellow that is gone before,
He is a Souldier fit to stand by Caesar,
1235And giue direction: and doe but see his vice,
Tis to his vertue, a iust equinox,
The one as long as th'other: tis pitty of him,
I feare the trust Othello put him in,
On some odde time of his infirmity,
1240Will shake this Island.
Mon. But is he often thus.
Iag. Tis euermore the Prologue to his sleepe:
Hee'le watch the horolodge a double set,
If drinke rocke not his cradle.
1245Mon. Twere well the Generall were put in minde of it,
Perhaps he sees it not, or his good nature,
Praises the vertues that appeares in Cassio,
And looke not on his euills: is not this true?
Iag. How now Roderigo, Enter Roderigo.
I pray you after the Leiutenant, goe. Exit Rod.
Mon. And tis great pitty that the noble Moore