1040968story of lu
st and foule thoughts
: they met
so neere with their lips,
1041969that their breathes embrac'd together. When the
se mutualities
1043970so mar
shall the way, hand at hand, comes the maine exerci
se, the in
- 1044971corporate conclu
sion. But
sir, be you rul'd by mee, I haue brought
1046972you from
Venice: watch you to night, for your command I'le lay't
1047973vpon you,
Cassio knowes you not, I'le not be farre from you, do you
some occa
sion to anger
Cassio, either by
speaking too loud, or
1050975tainting his di
scipline, or from what other cau
se you plea
se; which
1051976the time
shall more fauourably mini
1054978Iag. Sir he is ra
sh, and very
suddain in choler, and haply with his
1055979Trunchen may
strike at you; prouoke him that he may, for euen out
1056980of that, will I cau
se the
se of
Cypres to mutiny, who
se qualli
1057981shall come into no true tru
st again't, but by the di
splanting of
shall you haue a
shorter iourney to your de
sires by the meanes I
1060983shal then haue to prefer them, & the impediment, mo
st pro
fitably re
- 1061984mou'd, without which there were no expe
ctation of our pro
1063985Rod. I will doe this, if I can bring it to any opportunity.
1065986Iag. I warrant thee, meete me by and by at the Cittadell; I mu
st 1066987fetch his nece
ssaries a
shore. --- Farewell.
1069989Iag. That
Cassio loues her, I doe well beleeue it;
she loues him, tis apt and of great credit;
1071991The Moore howbe't, that I indure him not,
1072992Is of a con
stant, noble, louing nature;
1073993And I dare thinke, hee'le proue to
1074994A mo
st deere husband: now I doe loue her too,
1075995Not out of ab
solute lu
st, tho peraduenture.
stand accountant for as great a
1077997But partly lead to diet my reuenge,
1078998For that I doe
ct the lu
stfull Moore,
1079999Hath leap'd into my
seate, the thought whereof
10801000Doth like a poi
sonous minerall gnaw my inwards,
10811001And nothing can, nor
shall content my
10821002Till I am euen with him, wife, for wife
: 10831003Or failing
so, yet that I put the Moore,
10841004At lea
st, into a Iealou