Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Donald Bailey
Peer Reviewed

Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

The Tragedy of Othello

953.1Enter Othello ,and Attendants.
Cas. Tis truely so.
955Des. Lets meete him, and receiue him.
Cas. Loe, where he comes.
Oth. O my faire Warriour.
Des. My deare Othello.
960Oth. It giues me wonder great as my content,
To see you here before me: O my soules ioy,
If after euery tempest, come such calmenesse,
May the winds blow, till they haue wakened death,
965And let the labouring Barke clime hills of seas,
Olympus high, and duck againe as low,
As hell's from Heauen: If it were now to dye,
T'were now to be most happy, for I feare
My soule hath her content so absolute,
970That not another comfort, like to this
Succeeds in vnknowne Fate,
Des. The Heauens forbid,
But that our loues and comforts should increase,
975Euen as our dayes doe growe.
Oth. Amen to that sweete power,
I cannot speake enough of this content,
It stops me heere, it is too much of ioy:
And this, and this, the greatest discord be, they kisse.
980That ere our hearts shall make.
Iag. O, you are well tun'd now,
But I'le set downe the pegs, that make this musique,
As honest as I am.
Oth. Come, let vs to the Castle:
Newes friends, our warres are done, the Turks are drownd:
How doe our old acquaintance of the Isle;
Honny, you shall be well desir'd in Cypres;
I haue found great loue amongst them: O my sweete,
I prattle out of fashion, and I dote,
990In mine one comforts: I preethee good Iago,
Goe to the Bay, and disimbarke my Coffers;
Bring thou the Master to the Cittadell;