Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Donald Bailey
Peer Reviewed

Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

The Tragedy of Othello

And tis thought abroad, that twixt my sheetes
Ha's done my office; I know not, if't be true ---
735Yet I, for meere suspition in that kind,
Will doe, as if for surety: he holds me well,
The better shall my purpose worke on him.
Cassio's a proper man, let me see now,
To get this place, and to make vp my will,
740A double knauery --- how, how, --- let me see,
After some time, to abuse Othelloe's eare,
That he is too familiar with his wife:
He has a person and a smooth dispose,
To be suspected, fram'd to make women false:
745The Moore a free and open nature too,
That thinkes men honest, that but seemes to be so:
And will as tenderly be led bit'h nose --- as Asses are:
I ha't, it is ingender'd: Hell and night
750Must bring this monstrous birth to the worlds light.
750.1 Exit.

Actus 2.

Scoena 1.

Enter Montanio, Gouernor of Cypres, with
two other Gentlemen.


What from the Cape can you discerne at Sea?
Gent. Nothing at all, it is a high wrought flood,
755I cannot twixt the hauen and the mayne
Descry a saile.
Mon. Me thinkes the wind does speake aloud at land,
A fuller blast ne're shooke our Battlements:
If ic ha ruffiand so vpon the sea.
760What ribbes of Oake, when the huge mountaine mes lt,