Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Donald Bailey
Peer Reviewed

Othello (Folio 1, 1623)

the Moore of Venice. 339
Cas. This did I feare, but thought he had no weapon:
For he was great of heart.
Lod. Oh Sparton Dogge:
3675More fell then Anguish, Hunger, or the Sea:
Looke on the Tragicke Loading of this bed:
This is thy worke:
The Obiect poysons Sight,

Let it be hid. Gratiano, keepe the house,
3680And seize vpon the Fortunes of the Moore,
For they succeede on you. To you, Lord Gouernor,
Remaines the Censure of this hellish villaine:
The Time, the Place, the Torture, oh inforce it:
My selfe will straight aboord, and to the State,
3685This heauie Act, with heauie heart relate. Exeunt.


The Names of the Actors.
(:* * *:)
OThello, the Moore.
Brabantio, Father to Desdemona.Cassio, an Honourable Lieutenant.
Iago, a Villaine.
Rodorigo, a gull'd Gentleman.
Duke of Venice.

Montano, Gouernour of Cyprus.
Gentlemen of Cyprus.
Lodouico, and Gratiano, two Noble Venetians.

Desdemona, Wife to Othello.
AEmilia, Wife to Iago.
Bianca, a Curtezan.