Peer Reviewed
Othello (Folio 1, 1623)
326The Tragedie of Othello
2004Or by the worth of mine eternall Soule,
2005Thou had'st bin better haue bin borne a Dog
2006Then answer my wak'd wrath.
2007Iago. Is't come to this?
2009That the probation beare no Hindge, nor Loope,
2010To hang a doubt on: Or woe vpon thy life.
2011Iago. My Noble Lord.
2013Neuer pray more: Abandon all remorse
2014On Horrors head, Horrors accumulate:
2015Do deeds to make Heauen weepe, all Earth amaz'd;
2016For nothing canst thou to damnation adde,
2017Greater then that.
2018Iago. O Grace! O Heauen forgiue me!
2019Are you a Man? Haue you a Soule? or Sense?
2020God buy you: take mine Office. Oh wretched Foole,
2022Oh monstrous world! Take note, take note (O World)
2024I thanke you for this profit, and from hence
2028And looses that it workes for.
2029Oth. By the World,
2031I thinke that thou art iust, and thinke thou art not:
2033As Dians Visage, is now begrim'd and blacke
2034As mine owne face. If there be Cords, or Kniues,
2038I do repent me, that I put it to you.
2040Oth. Would? Nay, and I will.
2043Behold her top'd?
2044Oth. Death, and damnation. Oh!
2048More then their owne. What then? How then?
2051Were they as prime as Goates, as hot as Monkeyes,
2053As Ignorance, made drunke. But yet, I say,
2055Which leade directly to the doore of Truth,
2061I will go on. I lay with Cassio lately,
2062And being troubled with a raging tooth,
2063I could not sleepe. There are a kinde of men,
2067Let vs be wary, let vs hide our Loues,
2068And then (Sir) would he gripe, and wring my hand:
2070As if he pluckt vp kisses by the rootes,
2071That grew vpon my lippes, laid his Leg ore my Thigh,
2073That gaue thee to the Moore.
2075Iago. Nay, this was but his Dreame.
2077'Tis a shrew'd doubt, though it be but a Dreame.
2078Iago, And this may helpe to thicken other proofes,
2079That do demonstrate thinly.
2080Oth. Ile teare her all to peeces.
2082She may be honest yet: Tell me but this,
2084Spotted with Strawberries, in your wiues hand?
2087(I am sure it was your wiues) did I to day
2088See Cassio wipe his Beard with.
2089Oth. If it be that.
2090Iago. If it be that, or any, it was hers.
2093One is too poore, too weake for my reuenge.
2094Now do I see 'tis true. Looke heere Iago,
2095All my fond loue thus do I blow to Heauen. 'Tis gone,
2096Arise blacke vengeance, from the hollow hell,
2097Yeeld vp (O Loue) thy Crowne, and hearted Throne
2098To tyrannous Hate. Swell bosome with thy fraught,
2099For 'tis of Aspickes tongues.
2100Iago. Yet be content.
2101Oth. Oh blood, blood, blood.
2103Oth. Neuer Iago. Like to the Ponticke Sea,
2105Neu'r keepes retyring ebbe, but keepes due on
2106To the Proponticke, and the Hellespont:
2107Euen so my bloody thoughts, with violent pace
2108Shall neu'r looke backe, neu'r ebbe to humble Loue,
2109Till that a capeable, and wide Reuenge
2110Swallow them vp. Now by yond Marble Heauen,
2111In the due reuerence of a Sacred vow,
2112I heere engage my words.
2114Witnesse you euer-burning Lights aboue,
2115You Elements, that clip vs round about,
2116Witnesse that heere Iago doth giue vp
2117The execution of his wit, hands, heart,
2121Oth. I greet thy loue,
2122Not with vaine thanks, but with acceptance bounteous,
2123And will vpon the instant put thee too't.
2125That Cassio's not aliue.
2126Iago. My Friend is dead:
2127'Tis done at your Request.
2128But let her liue.
2129Oth. Damne her lewde Minx:
2130O damne her, damne her.
2131Come go with me a-part, I will withdraw
2133For the faire Diuell.
2134Now art thou my Lieutenant.