Internet Shakespeare Editions

Authors: Anonymous, Michael Drayton, Richard Hathway, Antony Munday, William Shakespeare, Robert Wilson
Editor: Michael Best
Not Peer Reviewed

The History of Sir John Oldcastle (Folio 3, 1664)

2270The Carrier calling.
Host, why Ostler?
Zwooks here's such a bomination company of Boyes:
A pox of this pigstie at the house end,
It fills all the house full of fleas, Ostler, Ostler.
2275Ost. Who calls there? what would you have?
Club. Zwooks, do you rob your guests?
Do you lodge rogues, and slaves, and scoundrels, ha?
They ha stoln our clothes here: why Ostler?
Ost. A murren choak you, what a bawling you keep.
2280Host. How now? what would the Carrier have?
Look up there.
Ostler. They say the man and the woman that lay by
them, have stoln their clothes.
Host. What, are the strange folks up yet that came in
2285yester night?
Con. What mine Host, up so early?
Host. What Mr. Maior, and Mr. Constable?
May. We are come to seek for some suspected per-
sons, and such as here we found have apprehended.
2290Enter Carrier and Kate in Cobham and Ladies apparel.
Con. Who comes here?
Club. Who comes here? A plague found ome, you
bawl quoth a, ods hat I'le forewear your house: you lodg'd
a fellow and his wife by us, that ha run away with our
2295parrel, and left us such gew-gaws here, come Kate, come
to me, thowse dizeard yfaith.
Mayor.Mine host, know you this man?
Host. Yes master Maior, I'le give my word for him,
why neighbour Club, how comes this gear about?
2300Kate. Now a foule on't, I cannot make this gew-gaw
stand on my head.
Con. How came this man and woman thus attired?
Host. Here came a man and woman hither this last
night, which I did take for substantial people, and lodg'd
2305all in one chamber by these folks: me thinks have been
so bold to change apparel, and gone away this morning
ere they rose.
May. That was that Traitor Oldcastle that thus escapt
us: make hue and cry after him, keep fast that traiterous
2310Rebel his servant there: farewell, mine Host.
Car. Come Kate Owdham, thou and Ise trimly dizard.
Kate. Ifaith neam Club, Ise wot nere what to do, Ise
be so slouted and so shouted at: but by th'Mess Ise cry.