Internet Shakespeare Editions

Authors: Anonymous, Michael Drayton, Richard Hathway, Antony Munday, William Shakespeare, Robert Wilson
Editor: Michael Best
Not Peer Reviewed

The History of Sir John Oldcastle (Folio 3, 1664)

the good Lord Cobham.
215There to debate of matters touching France,
As he doth passe by, I'le informe his Grace
Concerning your Petition. Master Butler,
If I forget, do you remember me.
But. I will my Lord.Offer him a purse.
220Bish. Not as a Recompence,
But as a Token of our love to you.
By me (my Lords) the Clergy doth present
This purse, and in it full a thousand Angels,
Praying your Lordship to accept their gift.
225Suf. I thank them, my Lord Bishop, for their love,
But will not take their money, if you please
To give it to this Gentleman, you may.
Bish. Sir, then we crave your futherance herein.
But. The best I can, my Lord of Rochester.
230Bish. Nay, pray take it, trust me you shall.
S. John. Were ye all three upon New-Market heath,
You should not need strain curt'sie who should ha't,
Sir John would quickly rid ye of that care.
Suf. The King is coming: Fear yea not, my Lord,
235The very first thing I will break with him
Shall be about your matter.

Enter King Harry and Huntington in talk.
Har. My Lord of Suffolk,
Was it not said the Clergy did refuse
240To lend us Money toward our warrs in France?
Suf. It was my Lord, but very wrognfully.
Har. I know it was: for Hungtington here tells me
They have been very bountifull of late.
Suf. And still they vow, my gracious Lord, to be so,
245Hoping your Majesty will think on them
As of your loving Subjects, and suppresse
All such malicious errors as begin
To spot their calling, and disturb the Church.
Har. God else forbid: why,
250Is there any new rupture to disquiet them?
Suf. No new my Lord, the old is great enough,
And so increasing, as if not cut down,
Will breed a scandal to your Royal State,
And set your Kingdome quickly in an uproar.
255The Kentish Knight, Lord Cobham in despight
Of any Law, or spiritual discipline,
Maintains this upstart new Religion still,
And divers great assemblies by his means
And private quarrels, are commenc'd abroad,
260As by this letter more at large my Liege, is made apparent.
Har. We do find it here,
There was in Wales a certain fray of late
Between two Noblemen. But what of this?
Follows it straight Lord Cobham must be he
265Did cause the same? I dare be sworn (good Knight)
He never dreamt of any such contention.
Bish. But in h s name the quarrel did begin,
About the opinion which he held my Liege.
Har. What if it did? was either he in place
270To take part with them? or abet them in it?
If brabling fellows, whose enkindled bloud
Seeths in their fiery veins, will needs go fight,
Making their quarrels of some words that past
Either if you, or you, amongst their cups,
275Is the fault yours? or are they guilty of it?
Suf. With pardon of your Highnesse, my dread Lord,
Such little sparks neglected, may in time
Grow to a mighty flame. But that's not all,
He doth beside maintain a strange Religion,
280And will not be compell'd to come to Mass.
Bish. We do beseech you therefore, gracious Prince,
Without offence unto your Majesty,
We may be bold to use authority.
Har. As how?
285Bish. To summon him unto the Arches,
Where such offences have their punishment.
Har.To answer personally, is that your meaning?
Bish. It is, my Lord.
Har. How if he appeal?
290Bish. My Lord, he cannot in such a case as this.
Suf. Not where Religion is the plea, my Lord.
Har. I took it alwayes, that our self stood on't
As a sufficient refuge: unto whom
Not any but might lawfully appeal.
295But we'll not argue now upon that point.
For Sir John Oldcastle whom you accuse,
Let me intreat you to dispence a while
With your high Title of preheminence.In scorn.
Report did never yet condemne him so,
300But he hath alwayes been reputed loyal:
And in my knowledge I can say thus much,
That he is vertuous, wise, and honorable.
If any way his conscience be seduc'd
To waver in his faith, I'le send for him
305And schoole him privately: If that serve not,
Then afterward you may proceed against him.
Butler, be you the Messenger for us,
And will him presently repair to Court.Exeunt.
S. John. How now my Lord? why stand you discontent?
310Insooth (methinks) the King hath well decreed.
Bish. I, I, Sir John, if he would keep his word:
But I perceive he favours him so much
As this will be to small effect, I fear.
S. John. Why then I'le tell you what y'are best to do:
315If you suspect the King will be but cold
In reprehending him, send you a Process too
To serve upon him: so ye may be sure
To make him answer't, howsoere it fall.
Bish. And well remembred, I will have it so,
320A Sumner shall be sent about it straight.Exit.
S. John. Yea do so. In the mean space this remains
For kind Sir John of Wrotham, honest Jack.
Me thinks the purse of Gold the Bishop gave
Made a good shew, it had a tempting look:
325Beshrew me, but my fingers ends do itch
To be upon those golden ruddocks. Well, 'tis thus;
I am not as the world doth take me for:
If ever wolfe were cloathed in sheeps coat,
Then I am he; old huddle and twang'ifaith:
330A Priest in shew, but (in plain termes) a Thief:
Yet let me tell you too, an honest Thief;
One that will take it where it may be spar'd,
And spend it freely in good fellowship.
I have as many shapes as Proteus had,
335That still when any villany is done,
There may none suspect it was Sir John.
Besides, to comfort me (for what's this life,
Except the crabbed bitternesse thereof
Be sweetned now and then with Letchery?)
340I have my Doll, my Concubine as 'twere,
To frolick with, a lusty bouncing girle.
But whil'st I loyter here, the Gold may scape,
And that must not be so: It is mine own.
Therefore I'le meet him on his way to Court,
345And shrive him of it, there will be the sport.Exit.