Internet Shakespeare Editions

Authors: Anonymous, Michael Drayton, Richard Hathway, Antony Munday, William Shakespeare, Robert Wilson
Editor: Michael Best
Not Peer Reviewed

The History of Sir John Oldcastle (Folio 3, 1664)

the good Lord Cobham.
King. Was there no other argument but that?
Act. I must confesse we have no other ground
But onely runour to accuse this Lord,
1795Which now I see was meerly fabulous.
Kin. The more pernitious you to taint him then,
Whom you know was not faulty, yea or no.
Cob. Let this, my Lord, which I present your Grace
Speak for my loyalty, read these Articles,
1800And then give sentence of my life or death.
Kin. Earl Cambridge, Scroop, and Gray corrupted
With bribes from Charles of France, either to win
My Crown from me, or secretly contrive
My death by Treason? Is't possible.
1805Cob. There is the platforme, and their hands, my Lord,
Each severally subscribed to the same.
Kin. Oh never heard of base ingratitude!
Even those I hug within my bosome most,
Are readiest evermore to sting my heart.
1810Pardon me, Cobham, I have done thee wrong,
Hereafter I will live to make amends.
Is then their time of meeting so near hand?
We'll meet with them, but little for their ease,
If God permit. Go take these Rebels hence,
1815Let them have martiall law: but as for thee,
Friend to thy King and Countrey, still be free.Exeunt.
Mur. Be it more or lesse, what a world is this?
Would I had continued still of the order of knaves,
And ne're sought Knight-hood, since it costs
1820So dear: Sir Roger, I may thank you for all.
Acton. Now 'tis too late to have it remedied,
I prethee, Murley, doe not urge me with it.
Hun. Will you away, and make no more to doe?
Mur. Fie paltry, paltry, too and fro, as occasion serves,
1825If you be so hasty, take my place.
Hun. No, good sir Knight, e'ne tak't your self.
Mur. I could be glad to give my betters place.Exeunt.
Enter Bishop, Lord Warden, Cromer the Shreeve,
Lady Cobham and attendants.
1830Bish. I tell ye, Lady, it's impossible
But you should know where he conveyes himself,
And you have hid him in some secret place.
La. My Lord, believe me, as I have a soule,
I know not where my Lord my Husband is.
1835Bish. Go to, go, ye are an Heretick,
And will be forc't by torture to confesse,
If fair meanes will not serve to make you tell.
La. My Husband is a noble Gentleman,
And need not hide himself for any fact
1840That e're I heard of, therefore wrong him not,
Bish. Your husband is a dangerous Schismatick,
Traitor to God, the King, and Commonwealth,
And therefore, M. Cromer, Shreeve of Kent,
I charge you take her to your custody,
1845And seize the goods of Sir John Oldcastle
To the Kings use; let her go in no more,
To fetch so much as her apparell out,
There is your warrant from his Majesty.
L. War. Good my Lord Bishop, pacifie your wrath
1850Against the Lady.
Bish. Then let her confesse
Where Oldcastle her husband is conceal'd.
L. War. I dare engage mine honour and my life,
Poor Gentlewoman, she is ignorant
1855And innocent of all his practices
If any evil by him be practised.
Bish. If, my Lord Warden? Nay then I charge you,
That all Cinque-ports whereof you are chief,
Be laid forthwith, that he escapes us not.
1860Shew him his Highnesse warrant, M. Sheriffe.
L. War. I am sorry for the Noble Gentleman.
Bish. Peace, he comes here, now do your office,
Enter Harpoole and Oldcastle.
Cob. Harpoole, what businesse have we here in hand?
1865What makes the Bishop and the Sheriffe here?
I fear my comming home is dangerous,
I would I had not made such haste to Cobham.
Har. Be of good cheer, my Lord, if they be foes,
we'll scramble shrewdly with them: if they be friends
1870they are welcome.
Cro. Sir John Oldcastle Lord Cobham, in the Kings
name, I arrest ye of high treason.
Cob. Treason, M. Cromer?
Har.Treason, M. Sheriffe, what Treason?
1875Cob. Harpoole, I charge thee stirre not, but be quiet.
Do ye arrest me of Treason, M. Sheriffe?
Bish. Yea, of high Treason, Traitor, Heretick.
Cob. Defiance in his face that calls me so,
I am as true a loyall Gentleman
1880Unto his Highnesse, as my proudest enemy,
The King shall witnesse my late faithfull service,
For safety of his sacred Majesty.
Bish. What thou art, the Kings hand shall testifie,
Shew him, Lord Warden.
1885Cob. Jesu defend me,
Is't possible your cunning could so temper
The Princely disposition of his minde,
To sign the damage of a royall Subject?
Well, the best is, it beares an antedate,
1890Procured by my absence and your malice.
But I, since that, have shew'd my self as true,
As any Churchman that dare challenge me.
Let me be brought before his Majesty,
If he acquit me not, then doe your worst.
1895Bish. We are not bound to doe kinde offices,
For any traitor, schismatick, nor heretick:
The Kings hand is our warrant for our work,
Who is departed on his way for France,
And at Southampton doth repose this night.
1900Har. O that thou and I were within twenty miles of
it, on Salisbury plain! I would lose my head if thou
brought'st thy head hither again.Aside.
Cob. My Lord Warden o'th Cinque-ports, and Lord
of Rochester, ye are joynt Commissioners, favour me so
1905much on my expence, to bring me to the King.
Bish. VVhat, to Southampton?
Cob. Thither, my good Lord,
And if he doe not clear me of all guilt,
And all suspicion of conspiracy,
1910Pawning his Princely warrant for my truth:
I aske no favour, but extreamest torture.
Bring me, or send me to him, good my Lord,
Good my Lord VVarden, M. Shrieve entreat.
They both entreat for me.
1915Come hither, Lady, nay sweet wife, forbear
To heap one sorrow on anothers neck:
'Tis grief enough falsely to be accus'd,
And not permitted to acquit my self,
Doe not thou with thy kinde respective teares,
1920Torment thy husbands heart that bleeds for thee:
But be of comfort, God hath help in store
For those that put assured trust in him.
Dear VVife, if they commit me to the Tower,
Come up to London to your sisters house: