Not Peer Reviewed
The Monk's Tale (Selections)
2The harm of them that stood in high degree,
3And fallen so that there was no remedy
4To bring them out of their adversity;
5For certain, when that Fortune list to flee
6There may no man the course of her withhold.
7Let no man trust on blind prosperity;
8Beware by these examples true and old.
10That every wight that hath discretiòn
11Hath heard somewhat or all of his fortune.
12This wide world, as in conclusiòn,
13He won by strength, or for his high renown
14They weren glad for peace unto him send.
15The pride of man and beast he laid a-down,
16Whereso he came, unto the worldès end.
18Betwixt him and another conqueror,
19For all this world for dread of him hath quaked.
20He was of knighthood and of freedom flower;
21Fortune him made the heir of her honor;
22Save wine and women, nothing might assuage
23His high intent in arms and labor,
24So was he full of leonine courage.
26Of Darius, and an hundred thousand more,
27Of kings, princes, earls, dukes bold,
28Which he conquered, and brought them into woe?
29I say, as far as man may ride or go
30The world was his, what should I more devise?
31For though I write or told you evermo
32Of his knighthood, it might not suffice.
34Philip's son of Macedone he was,
35That first was king in Greece the country.
36O worthy gentle Alexander, alas,
37That ever should fallen such a case!
38Empoisoned of thine own folk thou were;
39Thy six fortune hath turned into ace;
40And for thee nor weep she never a tear!