Not Peer Reviewed
Macbeth (Folio 1, 1623)
2287 Scena Quarta.
2288Drum and Colours. Enter Malcolme, Seyward, Macduffe,
2289Seywards Sonne, Menteth, Cathnes, Angus,
2290and Soldiers Marching.
2292That Chambers will be safe.
2293Ment. We doubt it nothing.
2294Syew. What wood is this before vs?
2295Ment. The wood of Birnane.
2296Malc, Let euery Souldier hew him downe a Bough,
2299Erre in report of vs.
2303Our setting downe befor't.
2304Malc. 'Tis his maine hope:
2305For where there is aduantage to be giuen,
2306Both more and lesse haue giuen him the Reuolt,
2310Attend the true euent, and put we on
nn3 Industrious
150 The Tragedie of Macbeth.
2312Sey. The time approaches,
2313That will with due decision make vs know
2317Towards which, aduance the warre. Exeunt marching