Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Janelle Jenstad
Not Peer Reviewed

The Merchant of Venice (Quarto 1, 1600)

Enter Portia, Nerrissa, Lorenzo, Iessica, and a
1660man of Portias.
Lor. Maddam, although I speake it in your presence,
you haue a noble and a true conceite
of god-like amitie, which appeares most strongly
in bearing thus the absence of your Lord.
1665But if you knew to whom you show this honour,
how true a gentleman you send releefe,
how deere a louer of my Lord your husband,
I know you would be prouder of the worke
then customarie bountie can enforce you.
1670Por. I neuer did repent for dooing good,
nor shall not now: for in companions
that doe conuerse and wast the time together,
whose soules doe beare an egall yoke of loue,
there must be needes a like proportion
1675of lyniaments, of manners, and of spirit;
which makes me thinke that this Anthonio
beeing the bosome louer of my Lord,
must needes be like my Lord. If it be so,
the Merchant of Venice.
How little is the cost I haue bestowed
1680in purchasing the semblance of my soule;
From out the state of hellish cruelty,
This comes too neere the praising of my selfe,
Therefore no more of it: heere other things
Lorenso I commit into your hands,
1685The husbandry and mannage of my house,
Vntill my Lords returne: for mine owne part
I haue toward heauen breath'd a secret vowe,
To liue in prayer and contemplation,
Onely attended by Nerrissa heere,
1690Vntill her husband and my Lords returne,
There is a Monastry two miles off,
And there we will abide. I doe desire you
not to denie this imposition,
the which my loue and some necessity
1695now layes vpon you.
Lorens. Madame, with all my hart,
I shall obey you in all faire commaunds.
Por. My people doe already know my mind,
And will acknowledge you and Iessica
1700in place of Lord Bassanio and my selfe.
So far you well till we shall meete againe.
Lor. Faire thoughts and happy houres attend on you.
Iessi. I wish your Ladiship all harts content.
Por. I thank you for your wish, and am well pleasd
1705to wish it back on you: far you well Iessica. Exeunt.
Now Balthaser, as I haue euer found thee honest true,
So let me find thee still: take this same letter,
and vse thou all th'indeuour of a man,
In speede to Mantua, see thou render this
1710into my cosin hands Doctor Belario,
And looke what notes and garments he doth giue thee,
bring them I pray thee with imagin'd speede
vnto the Tranect, to the common Ferrie
which trades to Venice; wast no time in words
1715but get thee gone, I shall be there before thee.
G. Baltha.
The comicall Historie of
Baltha. Madam, I goe with all conuenient speede.
Portia Come on Nerrissa, I haue worke in hand
That you yet know not of; weele see our husbands
before they thinke of vs?
1720Nerrissa. Shall they see vs?
Portia. They shall Nerrissa: but in such a habite,
that they shall thinke we are accomplished
with that we lacke; Ile hold thee any wager
when we are both accoutered like young men,
1725ile proue the prettier fellow of the two,
and weare my dagger with the brauer grace,
and speake betweene the change of man and boy,
with a reede voyce, and turne two minsing steps
into a manly stride; and speake of frayes
1730like a fine bragging youth: and tell quaint lyes
how honorable Ladies sought my loue,
which I denying, they fell sicke and dyed.
I could not doe withall: then ile repent,
and wish for all that, that I had not killd them;
1735And twenty of these punie lies ile tell,
that men shall sweare I haue discontinued schoole
aboue a twelue-moneth: I haue within my minde
a thousand raw tricks of these bragging Iacks,
which I will practise.
1740Nerriss. Why, shall we turne to men?
Portia. Fie, what a question's that,
if thou wert nere a lewd interpreter:
But come, ile tell thee all my whole deuice
when I am in my coach, which stayes for vs
1745at the Parke gate; and therefore hast away,
for we must measure twenty miles to day. Exeunt.