the Merchant of Venice.
25662560since he hath got the iewell that I loued,
25672561and that which you did
sweare to keepe for me,
25682562I will become as liberall as you,
25692563Ile not deny him any thing I haue,
25702564no, not my body, nor my hu
sbands bed:
25712565Know him I
shall, I am well
sure of it.
25722566Lie not a night from home. Watch me like Argos,
25732567if you doe not, if I be left alone,
25742568now by mine honour which is yet mine owne,
25752569ile haue that Do
ctor for mine bedfellow.
25762570Nerrissa. And I his Clark: therefore be well adui
25772571how you doe leaue me to mine owne prote
25782572Gra. Well doe you
so: let not me take him then,
25792573for if I doe, ile mar the young Clarks pen.
25802574Anth. I am th'vnhappy
ct of the
se quarrells.
25812575Por. Sir, greeue not you, you are welcome notwith
25822576Bass. Portia, forgiue me this enforced wrong,
25832577and in the hearing of the
se many friends
sweare to thee, euen by thine owne faire eyes
25872581In both my eyes he doubly
sees him
25882582In each eye one,
sweare by your double
25912585Pardon this fault, and by my
soule I
25922586I neuer more will breake an oath with thee.
25932587Anth. I once did lend my body for his wealth,
25942588which but for him that had your hu
sbands ring
25952589had quite mi
I dare be bound againe,
soule vpon the forfet, that your Lord
25972591will neuer more breake faith adui
25982592Por. Then you
shall be his
surety: giue him this,
25992593and bid him keepe it better then the other.
26002594Antho. Here Lord
sweare to keepe this ring.
26012595Bass. By heauen it is the
same I gaue the Do
26022596Por. I had it of him: pardon me
K. for