Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Janelle Jenstad
Not Peer Reviewed

The Merchant of Venice (Quarto 1, 1600)

The Comicall Historie of
Launce. Pray you let's haue no more fooling, about it, but giue
620mee your blessing: I am Launcelet your boy that was, your sonne
that is, your child that shall be.
Gob. I cannot thinke you are my sonne.
Launc. I know not what I shall think of that: but I am Launce-
623.1let the Iewes man, and I am sure Margerie your wife is my mo-
625Gob. Her name is Margerie in deede, ile be sworne if thou bee
Launcelet, thou art mine owne flesh and blood: Lord worshipt
might he be, what a beard hast thou got; thou hast got more haire
on thy chinne, then Dobbin my philhorse hase on his taile.
Launce. It should seeme then that Dobbins taile growes back-
630ward. I am sure hee had more haire of his taile then I haue of my
face when I lost saw him.
Gob. Lord how art thou changd: how doost thou and thy Ma-
ster agree, I haue brought him a present; how gree you now?
Launce. Well, well, but for mine owne part, as I haue set vp my
635rest to runne away, so I will not rest till I haue runne some ground;
my Maister's a very Iewe, giue him a present, giue him a halter, I
am famisht in his seruice. You may tell euery finger I haue with
my ribs: Father I am glad you are come, giue me your present to
one Maister Bassanio, who in deede giues rare newe Lyuories, if I
640serue not him, I will runne as farre as God has any ground. O rare
fortune, heere comes the man, to him Father, for I am a Iewe if I
serue the Iewe any longer.

Enter Bassanio with a follower or two.
Bass. You may doe so, but let it be so hasted that supper be ready
645at the farthest by fiue of the clocke: see these Letters deliuered,
put the Lyueries to making, and desire Gratiano to come anone to
my lodging.
Launce. To him Father.
Gob. God blesse your worship.
650Bass. Gramercie, wouldst thou ought with me.
Gobbe. Heere's my sonne sir, a poore boy.
Launce. Not a poore boy sir, but the rich Iewes man that would
sir as my Father shall specifie.