Not Peer Reviewed
The Merchant of Venice (Folio 1, 1623)
The Merchant of Venice. 167
484Ile rather dwell in my necessitie.
485Ant. Why feare not man, I will not forfaite it,
486Within these two months, that's a month before
487This bond expires, I doe expect returne
488Of thrice three times the valew of this bond.
491The thoughts of others: Praie you tell me this,
493By the exaction of the forfeiture?
497To buy his fauour, I extend this friendship,
498If he will take it, so: if not adiew,
499And for my loue I praie you wrong me not.
501Shy. Then meete me forthwith at the Notaries,
502Giue him direction for this merrie bond,
504See to my house left in the fearefull gard
505Of an vnthriftie knaue: and presentlie
506Ile be with you. Exit.
507Ant. Hie thee gentle Iew. This Hebrew will turne
508Christian, he growes kinde.
509Bass. I like not faire teames, and a villaines minde.
511My Shippes come home a month before the daie.
513Actus Secundus.
514Enter Morochus a tawnie Moore all in white, and three or
515foure followers accordingly, with Portia,
516Nerrissa, and their traine.
517Flo. Cornets.
520To whom I am a neighbour, and neere bred.
521Bring me the fairest creature North-ward borne,
523And let vs make incision for your loue,
526Hath feard the valiant, (by my loue I sweare)
527The best regarded Virgins of our Clyme
528Haue lou'd it to: I would not change this hue,
529Except to steale your thoughts my gentle Queene.
531By nice direction of a maidens eies:
533Bars me the right of voluntarie choosing:
534But if my Father had not scanted me,
535And hedg'd me by his wit to yeelde my selfe
536His wife, who wins me by that meanes I told you,
538As any commer I haue look'd on yet
540Mor. Euen for that I thanke you,
541Therefore I pray you leade me to the Caskets
542To trie my fortune: By this Symitare
544That won three fields of Sultan Solyman,
546Out-braue the heart most daring on the earth:
548Yea, mocke the Lion when he rores for pray
549To win the Ladie. But alas, the while
550If Hercules and Lychas plaie at dice
551Which is the better man, the greater throw
552May turne by fortune from the weaker hand:
553So is Alcides beaten by his rage,
554And so may I, blinde fortune leading me
555Misse that which one vnworthier may attaine,
556And die with grieuing.
558And either not attempt to choose at all,
560Neuer to speake to Ladie afterward
561In way of marriage, therefore be aduis'd.
562Mor. Nor will not, come bring me vnto my chance.
564Your hazard shall be made.
567Enter the Clowne alone .
570and tempts me, saying to me, Iobbe, Launcelet Iobbe, good
571Launcelet, or good Iobbe, or good Launcelet Iobbe, vse
588uell; and to run away from the Iew I should be ruled by
590selfe: certainely the Iew is the verie diuell incarnation,
594fiend, my heeles are at your commandement, I will
596Enter old Gobbo with a Basket.
598waie to Maister Iewes?
599Lan. O heauens, this is my true begotten Father, who
600being more then sand-blinde, high grauel blinde, knows
601me not, I will trie confusions with him.
603the waie to Maister Iewes.