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The Merchant of Venice (Folio 1, 1623)
162The Merchant of Venice.
95By being peeuish? I tell thee what Anthonio,
96I loue thee, and it is my loue that speakes:
98Do creame and mantle like a standing pond,
101Of wisedome, grauity, profound conceit,
103And when I ope my lips, let no dogge barke.
104O my Anthonio, I do know of these
105That therefore onely are reputed wise,
108Which hearing them would call their brothers fooles:
109Ile tell thee more of this another time.
111For this foole Gudgin, this opinion:
112Come good Lorenzo, faryewell a while,
113Ile end my exhortation after dinner.
114Lor. Well, we will leaue you then till dinner time.
116For Gratiano neuer let's me speake.
117Gra. Well, keepe me company but two yeares mo,
119Ant. Far you well, Ile grow a talker for this geare.
121In a neats tongue dri'd, and a maid not vendible. Exit.
122Ant. It is that any thing now.
124more then any man in all Venice, his reasons are two
127they are not worth the search.
130That you to day promis'd to tel me of?
131Bas. Tis not vnknowne to you Anthonio
134Then my faint meanes would grant continuance:
135Nor do I now make mone to be abridg'd
136From such a noble rate, but my cheefe care
137Is to come fairely off from the great debts
138Wherein my time something too prodigall
139Hath left me gag'd: to you Anthonio
140I owe the most in money, and in loue,
141And from your loue I haue a warrantie
142To vnburthen all my plots and purposes,
143How to get cleere of all the debts I owe.
146Within the eye of honour, be assur'd
148Lye all vnlock'd to your occasions.
152To finde the other forth, and by aduenturing both,
153I oft found both. I vrge this child-hoode proofe,
154Because what followes is pure innocence.
155I owe you much, and like a wilfull youth,
159As I will watch the ayme: Or to finde both,
160Or bring your latter hazard backe againe,
163To winde about my loue with circumstance,
164And out of doubt you doe more wrong
166Then if you had made waste of all I haue:
168That in your knowledge may by me be done,
170Bass. In Belmont is a Lady richly left,
171And she is faire, and fairer then that word,
172Of wondrous vertues, sometimes from her eyes
174Her name is Portia, nothing vndervallewd
175To Cato's daughter, Brutus Portia,
176Nor is the wide world ignorant of her worth,
177For the foure windes blow in from euery coast
179Hang on her temples like a golden fleece,
182O my Anthonio, had I but the meanes
183To hold a riuall place with one of them,
187Neither haue I money, nor commodity
189Try what my credit can in Venice doe,
191To furnish thee to Belmont to faire Portia.
193Where money is, and I no question make
195Enter Portia with her waiting woman Nerissa.
197rie of this great world.
199were in the same abundance as your good fortunes are:
204liues longer.
206Ner. They would be better if well followed.
208good to doe, Chappels had beene Churches, and poore
209mens cottages Princes Pallaces: it is a good Diuine that
211tie what were good to be done, then be one of the twen-
212tie to follow mine owne teaching: the braine may de-
213uise lawes for the blood, but a hot temper leapes ore a
219ter curb'd by the will of a dead father: it is not hard Ner-
221Ner. Your father was euer vertuous, and holy men