Not Peer Reviewed
The Merchant of Venice (Folio 1, 1623)
The Merchant of Venice. 175
1494As doubtfull whether what I see be true,
1497Such as I am; though for my selfe alone
1498I would not be ambitious in my wish,
1500I would be trebled twenty times my selfe,
1502More rich, that onely to stand high in your account,
1503I might in vertues, beauties, liuings, friends,
1504Exceed account: but the full summe of me
1508But she may learne: happier then this,
1512As from her Lord, her Gouernour, her King.
1513My selfe, and what is mine, to you and yours
1514Is now conuerted. But now I was the Lord
1516Queene ore my selfe: and euen now, but now,
1518Are yours, my Lord, I giue them with this ring,
1519Which when you part from, loose, or giue away,
1520Let it presage the ruine of your loue,
1521And be my vantage to exclaime on you.
1522Bass. Maddam, you haue bereft me of all words,
1523Onely my bloud speakes to you in my vaines,
1526By a beloued Prince, there doth appeare
1527Among the buzzing pleased multitude,
1528Where euery something being blent together,
1529Turnes to a wilde of nothing, saue of ioy
1531Parts from this finger, then parts life from hence,
1533Ner. My Lord and Lady, it is now our time
1535To cry good ioy, good ioy my Lord and Lady.
1539And when your Honours meane to solemnize
1540The bargaine of your faith: I doe beseech you
1541Euen at that time I may be married too.
1544My eyes my Lord can looke as swift as yours:
1546You lou'd, I lou'd for intermission,
1547No more pertaines to me my Lord then you;
1549And so did mine too, as the matter falls:
1550For wooing heere vntill I swet againe,
1551And swearing till my very rough was dry
1553I got a promise of this faire one heere
1554To haue her loue: prouided that your fortune
1558Bass. And doe you Gratiano meane good faith?
1559Gra. Yes faith my Lord.
1563sand ducats.
1567But who comes heere? Lorenzo and his Infidell?
1568What and my old Venetian friend Salerio?
1569Enter Lorenzo, Iessica, and Salerio.
1570Bas. Lorenzo and Salerio, welcome hether,
1571If that the youth of my new interest heere
1572Haue power to bid you welcome: by your leaue
1573I bid my verie friends and Countrimen
1574Sweet Portia welcome.
1575Por. So do I my Lord, they are intirely welcome.
1576Lor. I thanke your honor; for my part my Lord,
1578But meeting with Salerio by the way,
1580To come with him along.
1581Sal. I did my Lord,
1582And I haue reason for it, Signior Anthonio
1583Commends him to you.
1584Bass. Ere I ope his Letter
1585I pray you tell me how my good friend doth.
1587Nor wel, vnlesse in minde: his Letter there
1589Opens the Letter.
1591Your hand Salerio, what's the newes from Venice?
1592How doth that royal Merchant good Anthonio;
1600Some deere friend dead, else nothing in the world
1604And I must freely haue the halfe of any thing
1605That this same paper brings you.
1608That euer blotted paper. Gentle Ladie
1610I freely told you all the wealth I had
1611Ran in my vaines: I was a Gentleman,
1612And then I told you true: and yet deere Ladie,
1614How much I was a Braggart, when I told you
1616That I vvas worse then nothing: for indeede
1617I haue ingag'd my selfe to a deere friend,
1618Ingag'd my friend to his meere enemie
1619To feede my meanes. Heere is a Letter Ladie,
1620The paper as the bodie of my friend,
1621And euerie word in it a gaping wound
1622Issuing life blood. But is it true Salerio,