Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Suzanne Westfall
Not Peer Reviewed

A Midsummer Night's Dream (Quarto 1, 1600)

A Midsommer nightes dreame.
How answere you that?
825Snout. Berlakin, a parlous feare.
Star. I beleeue, we must leaue the killing, out, when all
is done.
Bott. Not a whit: I haue a deuise to make all well. Write
me a Prologue, and let the Prologue seeme to say; we wil
830do no harme, with our swords, and that Pyramus is not
kild indeede: and for the more better assurance, tel them,
that I Pyramus am not Pyramus, but Bottom the weauer:
this will put them out of feare.
Quin. Well: wee will haue such a Prologue, and it shall be
835written in eight and six.
Bot. No: make it two more: let it be written in eight &
Snout. Will not the ladies be afeard of the Lyon?
Star. I feare it, I promise you.
840Bot. Masters, you ought to consider with your selfe, to
bring in (God shielde vs) a Lyon among Ladies, is
a most dreadfull thing. For there is not a more fearefull
wilde foule then your Lyon liuing: & we ought to looke
845Sno. Therfore, another Prologue must tel, he is not a Lion.
Bot. Nay: you must name his name, and halfe his face
must be seene through the Lions necke, and he himselfe
must speake through, saying thus, or to the same defect;
850Ladies, or faire Ladies, I would wish you, or I would re-
quest you, or I wold intreat you, not to feare, not to trēble:
my life for yours. If you thinke I come hither as a Lyon, it
were pittie of my life. No: I am no such thing: I am a man
as other men are: & there indeed, let him name his name,
855and tell them plainely he is Snugge, the Ioyner.
Quin. Well: it shall be so: but there is two hard things;
that is, to bring the Moone-light into a chamber: for you
know, Pyramus and Thisby meete by Moone-light.
Sn. Doth the Moone shine, that night, we play our Play?