Not Peer Reviewed
A Midsummer Night's Dream (Folio 1, 1623)
A Midsommer nights Dreame. 163
2007This. Tide life, tide death, I come without delay.
2009And being done, thus Wall away doth go. Exit Clow.
2010Du. Now is the morall downe between the two
2013full, to heare without vvarning.
2020two noble beasts, in a man and a Lion.
2021Enter Lyon and Moone-shine.
2024May now perchance, both quake and tremble heere,
2025When Lion rough in wildest rage doth roare.
2026Then know that I, one Snug the Ioyner am
2027A Lion fell, nor else no Lions dam:
2029Into this place, 'twere pittie of my life.
2032Lis. This Lion is a verie Fox for his valor.
2037for the Goose carries not the Fox. It is well; leaue it to
2038his discretion, and let vs hearken to the Moone.
2043within the circumference.
2047Should be put into the Lanthorne. How is it els the man
2048i'th Moone?
2049Dem. He dares not come there for the candle.
2051Dut. I am vvearie of this Moone; vvould he would
2056Lys. Proceed Moone.
2058Lanthorne is the Moone; I, the man in the Moone; this
2061they are in the Moone. But silence, heere comes Thisby.
2062Enter Thisby.
2063This. This is old Ninnies tombe: where is my loue?
2064Lyon. Oh.
2065 The Lion roares, Thisby runs off.
2066Dem. Well roar'd Lion.
2067Du. Well run Thisby.
2069Truly the Moone shines with a good grace.
2070Du. Wel mouz'd Lion.
2071Dem. And then came Piramus.
2073Enter Piramus.
2076For by thy gracious, golden, glittering beames,
2079What dreadful dole is heere?
2080Eyes do you see! How can it be!
2081O dainty Ducke: O Deere!
2082Thy mantle good; what staind with blood!
2083Approch you Furies fell:
2084O Fates! come, come: Cut thred and thrum,
2085Quaile, crush, conclude, and quell.
2087Would go neere to make a man looke sad.
2090Since Lion vilde hath heere deflour'd my deere:
2091Which is: no, no, which was the fairest Dame
2092That liu'd, that lou'd, that lik'd, that look'd with cheere.
2093Come teares, confound: Out sword, and wound
2094The pap of Piramus:
2095I, that left pap, where heart doth hop;
2096Thus dye I, thus, thus, thus.
2099Now dye, dye, dye, dye, dye.
2100Dem. No Die, but an ace for him; for he is but one.
2104uer, and proue an Asse.
2106Thisby comes backe, and findes her Louer.
2107Enter Thisby.
2112Dem. A Moth wil turne the ballance, which Piramus
2113which Thisby is the better.
2117O Piramus arise:
2118Speake, Speake. Quite dumbe? Dead, dead? A tombe
2122Are gone, are gone: Louers make mone:
2123His eyes were greene as Leekes.
2125With hands as pale as Milke,
2129Come blade, my brest imbrue:
O3 And