Not Peer Reviewed
A Midsummer Night's Dream (Folio 1, 1623)
A Midsommer nights Dreame. 155
1238Two louely berries molded on one stem,
1239So with two seeming bodies, but one heart,
1241Due but to one and crowned with one crest.
1242And will you rent our ancient loue asunder,
1243To ioyne with men in scorning your poore friend?
1244It is not friendly, 'tis not maidenly.
1245Our sexe as well as I, may chide you for it,
1246Though I alone doe feele the iniurie.
1250To follow me, and praise my eies and face?
1251And made your other loue, Demetrius
1252(Who euen but now did spurne me with his foote)
1253To call me goddesse, nimph, diuine, and rare,
1255To her he hates? and wherefore doth Lysander
1259What though I be not so in grace as you,
1260So hung vpon with loue, so fortunate?
1265Make mouthes vpon me when I turne my backe,
1268If you haue any pittie, grace, or manners,
1269You would not make me such an argument:
1270But fare ye well, 'tis partly mine owne fault,
1273My loue, my life, my soule, faire Helena.
1274Hel. O excellent!
1279Helen, I loue thee, by my life I doe;
1284Dem. Quick, come.
1286Lys. Away, you Ethiope.
1288Take on as you would follow,
1289But yet come not: you are a tame man, go.
1293What change is this sweete Loue?
1294Lys. Thy loue? out tawny Tartar, out;
1295Out loathed medicine; O hated poison hence.
1298Lys. Demetrius: I will keepe my word with thee.
1299Dem. I would I had your bond: for I perceiue
1300A weake bond holds you; Ile not trust your word.
1302Although I hate her, Ile not harme her so.
1303Her. What, can you do me greater harme then hate?
1304Hate me, wherefore? O me, what newes my Loue?
1305Am not I Hermia? Are not you Lysander?
1306I am as faire now, as I was ere while.
1307Since night you lou'dme; yet since night you left me.
1308Why then you left me (O the gods forbid
1310Lys. I, by my life;
1312Therefore be out of hope, of question, of doubt;
1313Be certaine, nothing truer: 'tis no iest,
1314That I doe hate thee, and loue Helena.
1316You theefe of loue; What, haue you come by night,
1317And stolne my loues heart from him?
1318Hel. Fine yfaith:
1321Impatient answers from my gentle tongue?
1322Fie, fie, you counterfeit, you puppet, you.
1324Now I perceiue that she hath made compare
1330How low am I, thou painted May-pole? Speake,
1331How low am I? I am not yet so low,
1332But that my nailes can reach vnto thine eyes.
1333Hel. I pray you though you mocke me, gentlemen,
1334Let her not hurt me; I was neuer curst:
1336I am a right maide for my cowardize;
1337Let her not strike me: you perhaps may thinke,
1339That I can match her.
1340Her. Lower? harke againe.
1342I euermore did loue you Hermia,
1343Did euer keepe your counsels, neuer wronged you,
1344Saue that in loue vnto Demetrius,
1345I told him of your stealth vnto this wood.
1346He followed you, for loue I followed him,
1347But he hath chid me hence, and threatned me
1349And now, so you will let me quiet go,
1350To Athens will I beare my folly backe,
1351And follow you no further. Let me go.
1356Her. With Demetrius.
1362Her. Little againe? Nothing but low and little?
1364Let me come to her.
1365Lys. Get you gone you dwarfe,
1366You minimus, of hindring knot-grasse made,
1367You bead, you acorne.
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