Not Peer Reviewed
Measure for Measure (Folio, 1623)
2271Scena Quarta.
2272Enter Angelo & Escalus.
Measure for Measure. 79
2276bee not tainted: and why meet him at the gates and de-
2277liuer our authorities there?
2283of Complaints, and to deliuer vs from deuices heere-
2287times i'th' morne, Ile call you at your house: giue notice
2290Ang. Good night.
2291This deede vnshapes me quite, makes me vnpregnant
2292And dull to all proceedings. A deflowred maid,
2293And by an eminent body, that enforc'd
2297For my Authority beares of a credent bulke,
2298That no particular scandall once can touch
2299But it confounds the breather. He should haue liu'd,
2301Might in the times to come haue ta'ne reuenge
2304Alack, when once our grace we haue forgot,
2305Nothing goes right, we would, and we would not. Exit.