Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Kristin Lucas
Not Peer Reviewed

Measure for Measure (Folio, 1623)

Measure for Measure. 79
An. In most vneuen and distracted manner, his actions
2275show much like to madnesse, pray heauen his wisedome
bee not tainted: and why meet him at the gates and de-
liuer our authorities there?
Esc. I ghesse not.
Ang. And why should wee proclaime it in an howre
2280before his entring, that if any craue redresse of iniustice,
they should exhibit their petitions in the street?
Esc. He showes his reason for that: to haue a dispatch
of Complaints, and to deliuer vs from deuices heere-
after, which shall then haue no power to stand against
Ang. Well: I beseech you let it bee proclaim'd be-
times i'th' morne, Ile call you at your house: giue notice
to such men of sort and suite as are to meete him.
Esc. I shall sir: fareyouwell. Exit.
2290Ang. Good night.
This deede vnshapes me quite, makes me vnpregnant
And dull to all proceedings. A deflowred maid,
And by an eminent body, that enforc'd
The Law against it? But that her tender shame
2295Will not proclaime against her maiden losse,
How might she tongue me? yet reason dares her no,
For my Authority beares of a credent bulke,
That no particular scandall once can touch
But it confounds the breather. He should haue liu'd,
2300Saue that his riotous youth with dangerous sense
Might in the times to come haue ta'ne reuenge
By so receiuing a dishonor'd life
With ransome of such shame: would yet he had liued.
Alack, when once our grace we haue forgot,
2305Nothing goes right, we would, and we would not. Exit.

Scena Quinta.

Enter Duke and Frier Peter.
Duke. These Letters at fit time deliuer me,
The Prouost knowes our purpose and our plot,
2310The matter being a foote, keepe your instruction
And hold you euer to our speciall drift,
Though sometimes you doe blench from this to that
As cause doth minister: Goe call at Flauia's house,
And tell him where I stay: giue the like notice
2315To Valencius, Rowland, and to Crassus,
And bid them bring the Trumpets to the gate:
But send me Flauius first.
Peter. It shall be speeded well.
Enter Varrius.
2320Duke. I thank thee Varrius, thou hast made good hast,
Come, we will walke: There's other of our friends
Will greet vs heere anon: my gentle Varrius. Exeunt.

Scena Sexta.

Enter Isabella and Mariana.
2325Isab. To speake so indirectly I am loath,
I would say the truth, but to accuse him so
That is your part, yet I am aduis'd to doe it,
He saies, to vaile full purpose.
Mar. Be rul'd by him.
2330Isab. Besides he tells me, that if peraduenture
He speake against me on the aduerse side,
I should not thinke it strange, for 'tis a physicke
That's bitter, to sweet end.
Enter Peter.
2335Mar. I would Frier Peter
Isab. Oh peace, the Frier is come.
Peter. Come I haue found you out a stand most fit,
Where you may haue such vantage on the Duke
He shall not passe you:
2340Twice haue the Trumpets sounded.
The generous, and grauest Citizens
Haue hent the gates, and very neere vpon
The Duke is entring:
Therefore hence away. Exeunt.

2345Actus Quintus. Scoena Prima.

Enter Duke, Varrius, Lords, Angelo, Esculus, Lucio,
Citizens at seuerall doores.
Duk. My very worthy Cosen, fairely met,
Our old, and faithfull friend, we are glad to see you.
2350Ang. Esc. Happy returne be to your royall grace.
Duk. Many and harty thankings to you both:
We haue made enquiry of you, and we heare
Such goodnesse of your Iustice, that our soule
Cannot but yeeld you forth to publique thankes
2355Forerunning more requitall.
Ang. You make my bonds still greater.
Duk. Oh your desert speaks loud, & I should wrong it
To locke it in the wards of couert bosome
When it deserues with characters of brasse
2360A forted residence 'gainst the tooth of time,
And razure of obliuion: Giue we your hand
And let the Subiect see, to make them know
That outward curtesies would faine proclaime
Fauours that keepe within: Come Escalus,
2365You must walke by vs, on our other hand:
And good supporters are you.
Enter Peter and Isabella.
Peter. Now is your time
Speake loud, and kneele before him.
2370Isab. Iustice, O royall Duke, vaile your regard
Vpon a wrong'd (I would faine haue said a Maid)
Oh worthy Prince, dishonor not your eye
By throwing it on any other obiect,
Till you haue heard me, in my true complaint,
2375And giuen me Iustice, Iustice, Iustice, Iustice.
Duk. Relate your wrongs;
In what, by whom? be briefe:
Here is Lord Angelo shall giue you Iustice,
Reueale your selfe to him.
2380Isab. Oh worthy Duke,
You bid me seeke redemption of the diuell,
Heare me your selfe: for that which I must speake
Must either punish me, not being beleeu'd,
Or wring redresse from you:
2385Heare me: oh heare me, heere.
Ang. My Lord, her wits I feare me are not firme:
She hath bin a suitor to me, for her Brother
Cut off by course of Iustice.
Isab. By course of Iustice.
2390Ang. And she will speake most bitterly, and strange.
Isab. Most