Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Hardy M. Cook
Not Peer Reviewed

Lucrece (Quarto, 1594)


The deepe vexation of his inward soule,
1780Hath seru'd a dumbe arrest vpon his tongue,
Who mad that sorrow should his vse controll,
Or keepe him from heart-easing words so long,
Begins to talke, but through his lips do throng
Weake words, so thick come in his poor harts aid,
1785 That no man could distinguish what he said.

Yet sometime TARQVIN was pronounced plaine,
But through his teeth, as if the name he tore,
This windie tempest, till it blow vp raine,
Held backe his sorrowes tide, to make it more.
1790At last it raines, and busie windes giue ore,
Then sonne and father weep with equall strife,
Who shuld weep most for daughter or for wife.

The one doth call her his, the other his,
Yet neither may possesse the claime they lay.
1795The father saies, shee's mine, ô mine shee is
Replies her husband, do not take away
My sorrowes interest, let no mourner say
He weepes for her, for shee was onely mine,
And onelie must be wayl'd by COLATINE.