Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Hardy M. Cook
Not Peer Reviewed

Lucrece (Quarto, 1594)


For much imaginarie worke was there,
Conceipt deceitfull, so compact so kinde,
That for ACHILLES image stood his speare
1425Grip't in an Armed hand, himselfe behind
Was left vnseene, saue to the eye of mind,
A hand, a foote, a face, a leg, a head
Stood for the whole to be imagined.

And from the wals of strong besieged TROY,
1430When their braue hope, bold HECTOR march'd to (field,
Stood manie Troian mothers sharing ioy,
To see their youthfull sons bright weapons wield,
And to their hope they such odde action yeeld,
That through their light ioy seemed to appeare,
1435 (Like bright things staind) a kind of heauie feare.

And from the strond of DARDAN where they fought,
To SIMOIS reedie bankes the red bloud ran,
Whose waues to imitate the battaile sought
With swelling ridges, and their rankes began
1440To breake vppon the galled shore, and than
Retire againe, till meeting greater ranckes
They ioine, & shoot their fome at SIMOIS bancks.
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