Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Hardy M. Cook
Not Peer Reviewed

Lucrece (Quarto, 1594)


Wrapt and confounded in a thousand feares,
Like to a new-kild bird shee trembling lies:
Shee dares not looke, yet winking there appeares
Quicke-shifting Antiques vglie in her eyes.
460"Such shadowes are the weake-brains forgeries,
Who angrie that the eyes flie from their lights,
In darknes daunts thē with more dreadfull sights.

His hand that yet remaines vppon her brest,
(Rude Ram to batter such an Iuorie wall:)
465May feele her heart (poore Cittizen) distrest,
Wounding it selfe to death, rise vp and fall;
Beating her bulke, that his hand shakes withall.
This moues in him more rage and lesser pittie,
To make the breach and enter this sweet Citty.

470First like a Trompet doth his tongue begin,
To sound a parlie to his heartlesse foe,
Who ore the white sheet peers her whiter chin,
The reason of this rash allarme to know,
Which he by dum demeanor seekes to show.
475 But shee with vehement prayers vrgeth still,
Vnder what colour he commits this ill.