Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Hardy M. Cook
Not Peer Reviewed

Lucrece (Quarto, 1594)


Thus gracelesse holds he disputation,
Tweene frozen conscience and hot burning will,
And with good thoughts makes dispensation,
Vrging the worser sence for vantage still.
250Which in a moment doth confound and kill
All pure effects, and doth so farre proceede,
That what is vile, shewes like a vertuous deede.

Quoth he, shee tooke me kindlie by the hand,
And gaz'd for tidings in my eager eyes,
255Fearing some hard newes from the warlike band,
Where her beloued COLATINVS lies.
O how her feare did make her colour rise!
First red as Roses that on Lawne we laie,
Then white as Lawne the Roses tooke awaie.

260And how her hand in my hand being lockt,
Forst it to tremble with her loyall feare:
Which strooke her sad, and then it faster rockt,
Vntill her husbands welfare shee did heare.
Whereat shee smiled with so sweete a cheare,
265 That had NARCISSVS seene her as shee stood,
Selfe-loue had neuer drown'd him in the flood.
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