26176176His falchion on a flint he softly smiteth,
177177That from the cold stone sparks of fire do fly;
178178Whereat a waxen torch forthwith he lighteth,
179179Which must be lodestar to his lustful eye;
180180And to the flame thus speaks advisedly;
181181"As from this cold flint I enforced this fire,
182182So Lucrece must I force to my desire."
27183183Here pale with fear he doth premeditate
184184The dangers of his loathsome enterprise,
185185And in his inward mind he doth debate
186186What following sorrow may on this arise.
187187Then, looking scornfully, he doth despise
188188His naked armor of still-slaughtered lust
189189And justly thus controls his thoughts unjust.
28190190"Fair torch, burn out thy light, and lend it not
191191To darken her whose light excelleth thine;
192192And die, unhallowed thoughts, before you blot
193193With your uncleanness that which is divine;
194194Offer pure incense to so pure a shrine;
195195Let fair humanity abhor the deed
196196That spots and stains love's modest snow-white weed."
29197197"O shame to knighthood and to shining arms.
198198O foul dishonor to my household's grave.
199199O impious act including all foul harms.
200200A martial man to be soft fancy's slave.
201201True valor still a true respect should have.
202202Then my digression is so vile, so base,
203203That it will live engraven in my face."
30204204"Yea, though I die, the scandal will survive
205205And be an eyesore in my golden coat;
206206Some loathsome dash the herald will contrive
207207To cipher me how fondly I did dote,
208208That my posterity, shamed with the note,
209209Shall curse my bones and hold it for no sin
210210To wish that I their father had not been."