Author: William ShakespeareEditor: Pervez RizviNot Peer Reviewed
King Lear (Quarto 2, 1619)
506454Enter Gonorill and a Gentleman. 507455Gon. Did my Farher
strike my gentleman for chiding of his
510458Gon. By day and night he wrongs me,
511459Euery houre he
shes into one gro
sse crime or other,
sets vs all at ods, Ile not endure it;
513461His knights grow riotous, and him
selfe vpbraids vs
514462On euery tri
fle when he returnes from hunting,
515463I will not
speake with him,
say I am
516464If you come
slacke of former
shall do well, the fault of it Ile an
518466Gent. Hee's comming Madam, I heare him.
519467Gon. Put on what weary negligence you plea
se, you and your
seruants, Ide haue it come in que
stion, if he di
slike it, let
522469him to our
sister, who
se minde & mine I know in that are one,
522.1470not to be ouer-rulde; idle olde man that
still would manage
se authorities that he hath giuen away, now by my life olde
522.3472fooles are babes againe, and mu
st be v
sed with checkes as
- 522.4473teries, when they are
seene abus'd, remember what I tell you.
525475Gon. And let his Knights haue colder lookes among you,
526476what growes of it no matter, aduise your fellowes
so, I would
526.1477breed from hence occa
sions, and I
shall, that I may
speake, Ile
straight to my
sister to hold my very cour
se; goe prepare