31032903With the hell hatedly ore-turn'd thy heart,
31042904Which for they yet glance by, and
sely brui
sword of mine
shall giue them in
stant way,
31062906Where they
shall re
st for euer, Trumpets
31082908Gon. This is meere pra
ctice Glo
ster, by the law of Armes
31092909Thou art not bound to o
ffer an vnknowne oppo
31102910Thou art not vanqui
sht, but cou
sned and beguild.
31122911Alb. Stop your mouth Dame, or with this paper
shall I
31132912it: thou wor
se then any thing, reade thine owne euill. Nay, no
31152913tearing Lady, I perceiue you know't.
31162914Gon. Say if do, the lawes are mine not thine, who
shal araign
31182916Alb. Mon
ster, know
st thou this paper?
31192917Gon. Aske me not what I know.
Exit Gonorill. 31202918Alb. Go after her,
she's de
sperate, gouerne her.
31212919Bast. What you haue charg'd me with, that haue I done,
31232920And more, much more, the time will bring it out.
31242921Tis pa
st, and
so am I: but what art thou that ha
st this fortune on
31252922me? If thou bee
st noble, I do forgiue thee.
31282924I am no le
sse in blood then thou art
31292925If more, the more thou ha
st wrongd me.
31302926My name is
Edgar, and thy fathers
31312927The Gods are iu
st, and of our plea
sant vertues
31322928Make in
struments to
scourge vs: the darke and vitious place
31332929Where he thee got, co
st him his eyes.
31362931The wheele is come full circkled, I am heere.
31372932Alb. Me thought thy very gate did prophe
31382933A royall noblene
sse, I mu
st embrace thee,
split my heart if I did euer hate thee or thy father.
31422936Alb. Where haue you hid your
31432937How haue you knowne the mi
series of your father
? 31452939Li
st a breefe tale, and when tis told,