2843.82652Kent. Report is changeable, tis time to looke about,
2843.92653The powers of the kingdome approch apace.
2843.102654Gent. The arbitrement is like to be bloody, fare you well
2843.112655Kent. My point and period will be throughly wrought,
2843.122656Or well, or ill, as this dayes battels fought.
28452657Enter Edmund, Regan, and their powers. 28472658Bast. Know of the Duke if his la
st purpo
se holde,
28482659Or whether
since he is adui
sd by ought
28492660To change the cour
se , he is full of alteration
selfe-reprouing, bring his con
stant plea
28512662Reg. Our
sisters man is certainly mi
28542665You know the goodne
sse I intend vpon you:
28552666Tell me truly, but then
speake the truth,
28582669Reg. But haue you neuer found my brothers way,
2859.22672Reg. I am doubtfull that you haue beene coniun
ct 2859.32673And bo
som'd with her, as farre as we call hers.
2676Deere my Lord be not familiar with her.
28632677Bast. Feare me not,
she and the Duke her husband.
28642678Enter Albany and Gonorill with troopes. 2864.22680Then that
should loo
sen him and me.
28652681Alb. Our very louing
sister well be-met,
2682For this I heare the King is come to his daughter
28662683With others, whom the rigour of our State
2868.22685I neuer yet was valiant: for this bu