23632218The which he lackes, that to prouoke in him
23642219Are many
simples operatiue, who
se power
23662221Cord. All ble
st secrets, all you vnpubli
sht vertues of the earth,
23682222Spring with my teares, be aidant and remediat
23692223In the good mans di
seeke for him,
st his vngouernd rage di
ssolue the life,
23712225That wants the meanes to leade it.
23732227Messen. Newes Madam, the Briti
sh powers are marching he
- 23752229Cord. Tis knowne before, our preparation
23762230In expe
ctation of them, ô deare Father,
23772231It is thy bu
sse that I go about, therefore great
23782232My mourning and important teares hath pittied,
23792233No blowne ambition doth our armes in
23802234But loue, deare loue, and our aged fathers right,
23812235Soone may I heare and
see him.
23842237Reg. But are my brothers powers
set foorth?
23872240Stew. Madam with much ado, your
sister's the better Soldier.
23892241Reg. Lord
Edmund spake not with your Lady at home?
23912243Reg. What might import my
sisters letter to him?
23932245Reg. Faith he is po
sted hence on a
serious matter,
23942246It was great ignorance,
Glocesters eies being out,
23952247To let him liue, where he arriues he moues
23962248All hearts again
st vs, and now I thinke is gone,
23972249In pitty of his mi
sery to di
spatch his nighted life,
23982250Moreouer to de
scrie the
strength of the Army.
24002251Stew. I mu
st needs after him with my Letters.
24012252Reg. Our troope
sets foorth to morrow,
stay with vs,