21551930She takes a sword, and runs at him behinde. 21561931Seruant. Oh I am
slaine my Lord, yet haue you one eye left to
some mi
schiefe on him, oh!
He dies. 21581933Corn. Lea
st it
see more, preuent it, out vilde Ielly,
21601935Glost. All darke and comfortles, wheres my
21621936Edmund vnbridle all the
sparkes of nature, to quit this horrid
21641938Reg. Out villaine, thou cal
st on him that hates thee, it was hee
21661939that made the ouerture of thy trea
sons to vs, who is too good to
21681941Glost. O my follies, then
Edgar was abu
21691942Kinde Gods forgiue me that, and pro
sper him.
21701943Reg. Goe thru
st him out at gates, and let him
smell his way to
21711944Douer, how i
st my Lord? how looke you?
21731945Corn. I haue receiued a hurt, follow me Lady,
21741946Turne out that eyele
sse villaine, throw this
slaue vpon
21751947The dunghill,
Regan I bleed apace, vntimely
21761948Comes this hurt, giue me your arme.
Exit. 2176.11949Seruant. Ile neuer care what wickedne
sse I do,
2176.319512.Seruant. If
she liue long, and in the end meet the old cour
2176.41952of death, women will all turne mon
2177.519531.Ser. Let's follow the old Earle, and get the bedlam
2176.61954To lead him where he would, his rogi
sh madne
2176.819562.Ser. Goe thou, ile fetch
flaxe and whites of egges to
2176.91957apply to his bleeding face, now heauen helpe him.
21791960Edg. Yet better thus, and knowne to be contemn'd,
still contemn'd and
flattered to be wor
21811962The lowe
st and mo
st deie
cted thing of Fortune
still in experience, liues not in feare,
21831964The lamentable change is from the be