1858Stew. My Lord of
Glocester hath conueyed him hence,
fiue or
sixe and thirty of his Knights hot que
strits after
20761860him, met him at gate, who with
some other of the Lords depen
- 20771861dants are gone with him towards
Douer, where they boa
st to
20801863Corn. Get hor
ses for your mi
20811864Gon. Farwell
sweet Lord and
20821866Corn. Edmund farwell: go
seeke the traitor
20831867Pinion him like a theefe, bring him before vs,
20841868Though we may not pa
sse vpon his life
20851869Without the forme of iu
stice, yet our power
20861870Shall do a curte
sie to our wrath, which men may blame
20871871But not controle; who's there, the traitor?
20881872Enter Glocester, brought in by two or three. 20911874Corn. Binde fa
st his corky armes.
20921875Glost. What meanes your Graces, good my friends con
20931876You are my gue
sts, do me no foule play friends.
20961878Reg. Hard, hard, O
filthy traitor!
20971879Glost. Vnmercifull Lady as you are, I am true.
20991880Corn. To this chaire binde him, villaine thou
find -----
21001881Glost. By the kinde Gods tis mos
st ignobly done, to plucke me
21021883Reg. So white, and
such a Traitor.
21031884Glost. Naughty Lady, the
se haires which thou do
st raui
sh frõ
(my chin, 21051885Will quicken and accu
se thee, I am your ho
21061886With robbers hands, my ho
spitable fauours
should not ru
ffell thus, what will you do?
21081888Corn. Come
sir, what letters had you late from
21101889Reg. Be
simple an
swerer, for we know the truth.
21111890Corn. And what confederacy haue you with the traitors lately
21131892Reg. To who
se hands haue you
sent the lunaticke king,