Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Pervez Rizvi
Not Peer Reviewed

King Lear (Quarto 2, 1619)

M. William Shake-speare
History, of King Lear.

Enter Kent, Glocester, and Bastard.

I Thought the King had more affected the Duke of
5Albeney then Cornewall.
Glost. It did alwaies seeme so to vs, but now in
the diuision of the Kingdomes, it appeares not
which of the Dukes he values most, for equalities
are so weighed, that curiosity in neither, can make choise of ei-
10thers moytie.
Kent. Is not this your sonne, my Lord?
Glost. His breeding sir hath beene at my charge. I haue so of-
ten blusht to acknowledge him, that now I am braz'd to it.
15Kent. I cannot conceiue you.
Glost. Sir, this young fellowes mother could, whereupon she
grew round wombed, and had indeed Sir a sonne for her Cra-
dle, ere she had a husband for her bed, do you smell a fault?
20Kent. I cannot wish the fault vndone, the issue of it being so
Glo. But I haue sir a sonne by order of Law, some yeare elder
then this, who yet is no deerer in my account, thogh this knaue
came something sawcely into the world before he was sent for,
25yet was his mother faire, there was good sport at his making, &
the whoreson must be acknowledged, do you know this noble
gentleman, Edmund?