982837thunders bend,
spoke with how many fould and
strong a bond
984838the child was bound to the father;
sir, in a
seeing how loth
- 985839ly oppo
site I
stood to his vnnaturall purpo
se, with fell motion
987840with his prepared
sword, he charges home my vnprouided bo
- 988841dy, launcht mine arme; but when he
saw my be
st alarumd
990842bold in the quarrels right, rouzd to the encounter, or whether
sted by the noi
se I made, but
sodainly he
993844Glost. Let him
flie farre, not in this Land
shall he remaine vn
- 994845caught and found; di
spatch, the Noble Duke my ma
ster, my
996846worthy Arch and Patron comes to night, by his authority I will
997847proclaime it, that he which
findes him
shall de
serue our thankes,
999848bringing the murderous cayti
ffe to the
stake, he that conceales
1001850Bast. When I di
sswaded him from his intent, and found him
1002851pight to do it, with cur
st speech I threatned to di
scouer him; he
1003852replied, Thou vnpo
ssing ba
stard, do
st thou thinke, if I would
1005853stand again
st thee, could the repo
sure of any tru
st, vertue, or
1006854worth in thee make thy words faith'd? no
: what I
should deny,
1008855as this I would, I, thogh thou did
st produce my very chara
1009856ide turne it all to thy
stion, plot, and damned pretence, and
1011857thou mu
st make a dullard of the world, if they not thought the
fits of my death were very pregnant and potentiall
spurres to
1015860Glost. Strong and fa
stened villaine, would he deny his letter?
1017861I neuer got him: harke, the Dukes trumpets, I know not why he
862comes; all Ports ile barre, the villaine
shall not
scape, the Duke
st grant me that: be
sides, his pi
cture I wil
send far and neere,
1020864that all the kingdome may haue note of him, and of my land,
1022865(loyall and naturall boy) ile worke the meanes to make thee ca
- 1025868Corn. How now my noble friend,
since I came hether, which
1026869I can call but now, I haue heard
strange newes.
1027870Reg. If it be true, all vengeance comes too
short which can
sue the o
ffender; how do
st my Lord?
1029872Glost. Madam, my old heart is crakt, is crakt.
1030873Reg. What, did my fathers god
seeke your life? he whom