833727Gon. Come
sir, no more ; you, more knaue then foole, after your
835729Foole. Nuncle
Lear, Nuncle
Lear, tarry and take the foole with
837730a fox when one has caught her, and
such a daughter,
839731to the
slaughter, if my cap would buy a halter,
so the foole fol
- 858735Gon. What, haue you writ this letter to my
860737Gon. Take you
some company, and away to hor
se, informe her
861738full of my particular feares, and thereto adde
such rea
sons of your
862739owne, as may compa
ct it more, get you gone, and after your re
- 864740turne -------- now my Lord, this mildie gentlene
sse and cour
se of
865741yours though I di
slike not, yet vnder pardon y'are much more a
- 867742lapt want of wi
sedome, then prai
se for harmfull mildne
869743Duke. How farre your eies may pierce I cannot tell,
870744Striuing to better ought, we marre what's well.
872746Duke. Well, well, the euent.
874747Enter Lear, Kent, and Foole. 875748Lear. Go you before to
Glocester with the
se Letters, acquaint
876749my daughter no further with any thing you know, then comes
877750from her demand out of the Letter, if your diligence be not
- 878751die, I
shall be there before you.
880752Kent. I will not
sleepe my Lord, till I haue deliuered your let
- 882754Foole. If a mans braines were in his heeles, wert not in danger
885756Foole. Then I prethee be merry, thy wit
shall nere go
888758Foole. Shalt
see thy other daughter will v
se thee kindly, for
she is as like this, as a crabbe is like an apple, yet I con,
891761Lear. Why what can
st thou tell my boy?
892762Foole. Shee'l ta
ste as like this, as a crab doth to a crab; thou