778690and in the mo
st exa
ct regard,
support the wor
shippes of their
779691name, O mo
st small fault, how vgly did
st thou in
Cordelia shew,
781692that like an engine wrencht my frame of nature from the
782693place, drew from my heart all loue, & added to the gall; ô
783694Lear beate at this gate that let thy folly in, and thy deare iudg
- 785695ment out, goe, goe, my people?
786696Duke. My Lord, I am guiltle
sse as I am ignorant.
788697Lear. It may be
so my Lord, harke
Nature, heare deere God
- 789698de
spend thy purpo
se, if thou did
st intend to make this cre
- 791699ture fruitefull, into her wombe conuey
sterility, dry vp in her the
793700Organs of encrea
se, and from her derogate body neuer
spring a
795701babe to honor her; if
she mu
st teem, create her childe of
796702that it may liue and be a thourt di
suetur'd torment to her, let it
798703stampe wrinckles in her brow of youth, with accent teares, fret
799704channels in her cheek[e]s, turne all her mothers paines and bene
- 800705fits to laughter and contempt, that
shee may feele, how
802706then a
serpents tooth it is, to haue a thankle
sse childe, goe, goe,
804708Duke. Now Gods that we adore, whereof comes this!
806709Gon. Neuer a
ct your
selfe to know the cau
se, but let his di
s- 807710po
sition haue that
scope that dotage giues it.
810711Lear. What,
fifty of my followers at a clap, within a fortnight?
812712Duke. What is the matter
813713Lear. Ile tell thee, life and death! I am
sham'd that thou ha
st 815714power to
shake my man-hood thus, that the
se hot teares that
816715breake from me perforce,
should make the wor
st bla
sts and fogs
818716vpon the vntender woundings of a fathers cur
se, peru
se euery
820717sence about the olde fond eies, be-weepe this cau
se againe, ile
821718plucke you out, and you can ca
st with the waters that you make to
823719temper clay, yea, is it come to this? yet haue I left a daughter,
825720whom I am
sure is kinde and comfortable, when
shall heare
826721this of thee, with her nailes
fley thy wolui
sh vi
sage, thou
finde that ile re
sume the
shape, which thou doe
st thinke I
829723haue ca
st o
ff for euer, thou
shalt I warrant thee.
Exit. 830724Gon. Do you marke that my Lord?
831725Duke. I cannot be
so partiall
Gonorill to the great loue I beare