22671998Enter Goneril and [the] Bastard. Welcome, my lord. I marvel our mild husband
Not met us on the way. Now, where's your master?
Madam, within, but never man so changed.
2271I told him
2003of the army that was landed;
2272He smiled at it. I told him you were
2273His answer was "The worse." Of Gloucester's treachery
2274And of
2005the loyal service of his son,
2275When I informed him, then he
2006called me sot
2276And told me I had turned the wrong side out.
2007he should most defy seems pleasant to him,
What like, offensive. [To the Bastard] Then shall you go no further.
22802010It is the cowish terror of his spirit
22812011That dares not undertake. He'll not feel wrongs
22822012Which tie him to an answer. Our wishes on the way
22832013May prove effects. Back, Edmund, to my brother;
22842014Hasten his musters, and conduct his powers.
22852015I must change arms at home and give the distaff
22862016Into my husband's hands. This trusty servant
22872017Shall pass between us. Ere long you are like to hear,
22882018If you dare venture in your own behalf,
22892019A mistress's command. Wear this--spare speech.
[Gives him a favor of some kind.]
[She kisses him.]
Decline your head. This kiss, if it durst speak,
22912021Would stretch thy spirits up into the air.
Yours in the ranks of death.
Yours in the ranks of death. My most dear Gloucester.
2295Oh, the difference of man and man.
2296To thee a woman's services are due--
Madam, here comes my lord.
Exit [Oswald the] steward.
I have been worth the whistling.
I have been worth the whistling. O Goneril,
2302You are not worth the dust which the rude wind
2303.32032She that herself will sliver and disbranch
2303.42033From her material sap, perforce must wither
No more, the text is foolish.
Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile.
2303.82037Filths savor but themselves. What have you done?
2303.92038Tigers, not daughters, what have you performed?
2303.112040Whose reverence even the head-lugged bear would lick,
2303.122041Most barbarous, most degenerate have you madded.
2303.152044If that the heavens do not their visible spirits
2303.162045Send quickly down to tame these vile offences,
It will come.
2303.172046Humanity must perforce prey on itself
38Like monsters of the deep.
38.1 Like monsters of the deep. Milk-livered man,
23052048That bearest a cheek for blows, a head for wrongs;
23062049Who hast not in thy brows an eye discerning
Ere they have done their mischief.
2307.22052Where's thy drum?
France spreads his banners in our noiseless land,
2307.32053With plumèd helm, thy flaxen biggin threats,
2307.42054Whilst thou, a moral fool, sits still and cries
"Alack, why does he so?" See thyself, devil.
2309Proper deformity shows not in the
2310So horrid as in woman.
So horrid as in woman. O vain fool!
Thou changèd, and self-covered thing, for shame,
2311.22060Bemonster not thy feature. Wer't my fitness
2311.42062They are apt enough to dislocate and tear
2311.52063Thy flesh and bones. Howe'er thou art a fiend,
Marry, your manhood?--mew!
What news?
O my good lord, the Duke of Cornwall's dead,
2314Slain by
2068his servant, going to put out
2315The other eye of Gloucester.
The other eye of Gloucester. Gloucester's eyes?
A servant that he bred, thralled with remorse,
23182071Opposed against the act, bending his sword
23192072To his great master; who thereat enraged,
23202073Flew on him, and amongst them felled him dead;
23212074But not without that harmful stroke which since
This shows you are above,
2324you justicers,
2077That these our nether crimes
2325so speedily can venge.
2078But oh, poor Gloucester,
2326lost he his other eye?
Both, both, my lord.
2328[To Goneril] This letter, madam, craves
A speedy answer.
23292080'Tis from your sister.
[Aside] One way I like this well;
23312081But being widow, and my Gloucester with her,
23322082May all the building on my fancy pluck
23332083Upon my hateful life. Another way
2334The news is not so took.
[Aloud] 2084I'll read and answer.
Exit [Goneril].
Where was his son
2336when they did take his eyes?
Come with my lady hither.
Come with my lady hither. He is not here?
No, my good lord, I met him back again.
Knows he the wickedness?
Ay, my good lord, 'twas he informed against him,
23422090And quit the house on purpose that their punishment
Might have the freer course. Gloucester, I live
2345To thank thee for the love thou showed'st the king,
23462093And to revenge thy eyes.--Come hither, friend,