Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Michael Best
Not Peer Reviewed

King Lear (Quarto 1, 1608)

The Historie of King Lear.
2770Ith sway of your owne will is he arayd,
Doct. I madam, in the heauinesse of his sleepe,
We put fresh garments on him,
Gent. Good madam be by, when we do awake him
2775I doubt not of his temperance.
2775.1Cord. Very well.
Doct. Please you draw neere, louder the musicke there,
Cor. O my deer father restoratiõ hang thy medicin on my lips,
And let this kis repaire those violent harmes that my two sisters
Haue in thy reuerence made.
2780Kent. Klnd and deere Princesse,
Cord. Had you not bene their father these white flakes,
Had challengd pitie of them, was this a face
To be exposd against the warring winds,
2783.1To stand against the deepe dread bolted thunder,
In the most terrible and nimble stroke
Of quick crosse lightning to watch poore Per du,
With this thin helme mine iniurious dogge,
Though he had bit me, 2785should haue stood that night
Against my fire, and wast thou faine poore father,
To houill thee with swine and rogues forlorne,
In short and mustie straw, alack, alack,
Tis wonder that thy life and wits at once
2790Had not concluded all, he wakes speake to him.
Doct. Madam do you, tis fittest.
Cord. How does my royall Lord, how fares your maiestie.
Lear. You do me wrong to take me out ath graue,
2795Thou art a soule in blisse, but I am bound
Vpon a wheele of fire, that mine owne teares
Do scald like molten lead.
Cord. Sir know me.
Lear. Yar a spirit I know, where did you dye.
2800Cord. Still, still, farre wide.
Doct. Hees scarce awake, let him alone a while.
Lear. Where haue I bene, where am I faire day light,
2805I am mightily abusd, I should ene dye with pitie,
To see another thus, I know not what to say,
I will not sweare these are my hands, lets see,