Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Michael Best
Not Peer Reviewed

King Lear (Quarto 1, 1608)

The Historie of King Lear.
2440Me thinks thy voyce is altered, and thou speakest
With better phrase and matter then thou didst.
Edg. Y'ar much deceaued, in nothing am I chang'd
But in my garments.
Glost. Me thinks y'ar better spoken.
2445Edg. Come on sir, her's the place, stand still, how (feareful
And dizi tis to cast ones eyes so low
The crowes and choghes that wing the midway ayre
Shew scarce so grosse as beetles, halfe way downe
2450Hangs one that gathers sampire, dreadfull trade,
Me thinkes he seemes no bigger then his head,
The fishermen that walke vpon the beach
Appeare like mise, and yon tall anchoring barke
Diminisht to her cock, her cock a boui
2455Almost too small for sight, the murmuring surge
That on the vnnumbred idle peeble chaffes
Cannot be heard, its so hie ile looke no more,
Least my braine turne, and the deficient sight
Topple downe headlong.
2460Glost. Set me where you stand?
Edg. Giue me your hand, you are now within a foot
Of th'extreame verge, for all beneath the Moone
Would I not leape vpright.
Glost. Let goe my hand,
2465Here friend's another pursse, in it a iewell,
Well worth a poore mans taking, Fairies and Gods
Prosper it with thee, goe thou farther off,
Bid me farewell, and let me heare thee going.
Edg. Now fare you well good sir.
2470Glost. With all my heart.
Edg. Why I do trifell thus with his dispaire is done(to cure it.
Glost. O you mightie Gods, He kneeles.
This world I doe renounce, and in your sights
2475Shake patiently my great affliction off,
If I could beare it longer and not fall
To quarel with your great opposles wils
My snurff and loathed part of nature should
Burne it selfe out, if Edgar liue, O blesse,