my Legittimate, if this Letter
354And my inuention thriue,
Edmond the ba
355Shall to'th'Legitimate: I grow,
I pro
356Now Gods,
stand vp for Ba
358Glo. Kent bani
sh'd thus? and France in choller parted?
359And the King gone to night
? Pre
scrib'd his powre,
fin'd to exhibition? All this done
361Vpon the gad?
Edmond, how now? What newes?
362Bast. So plea
se your Lord
ship, none.
363Glou. Why
so earne
seeke you to put vp
yt Letter?
364Bast. I know no newes,
my Lord.
365Glou. What Paper were you reading?
366Bast. Nothing my Lord.
367Glou. No? what needed then that terrible di
spatch of
368it into your Pocket
? The quality of nothing, hath not
369such neede to hide it
selfe. Let's
see: come, if it bee no
- 370thing, I
shall not neede Spe
371Bast. I be
seech you Sir, pardon mee; it is a Letter
372from my Brother, that I haue not all ore-read; and for
373much as I haue perus'd, I
finde it not
fit for your ore-loo
- 375Glou. Giue me the Letter,
376Bast. I
shall o
ffend, either to detaine, or giue it:
377The Contents, as in part I vnder
stand them,
379Glou. Let's
see, let's
380Bast. I hope for my Brothers iu
fication, hee wrote
381this but as an e
or ta
ste of my Vertue.
This policie, and reuerence of Age, makes the
383world bitter to the best of our times : keepes our Fortunes from 384vs, till our oldnesse cannot rellish them. I begin to finde an idle 385and fond bondage, in the oppression of aged tyranny, who swayes 386not as it hath power , but as it is suffer'd. Come to me, that of 387this I may speake more . If our Father would sleepe till I wak'd 388him, you should enioy halfe his Reuennew for euer, and liue the 389beloued of your Brother.
390Hum? Con
spiracy? Sleepe till I wake him, you
391enioy halfe his Reuennew: my Sonne
Edgar, had hee a
392hand to write this? A heart and braine to breede it in?
393When came you to this? Who brought it?
394Bast. It was not brought mee, my Lord; there's the
395cunning of it. I found it throwne in at the Ca
sement of
397Glou. You know the chara
cter to be your Brothers?
398Bast. If the matter were good my Lord, I dur
st swear
399it were his: but in re
ct of that,
I would faine thinke it
402Bast. It is his hand,
my Lord: but I hope his heart is
404Glo. Has he neuer before
sounded you in this bu
405Bast. Neuer my Lord.
But I haue heard him oft main
- 406taine it to be
that Sonnes at perfe
ct age, and Fathers
407declin'd, the Father
should bee as Ward to the Son, and
408the Sonne manage his Reuennew.
409Glou. O Villain, villain: his very opinion in the Let
- 410ter. Abhorred Villaine, vnnaturall, dete
sted, bruti
sh 411Villaine; wor
se then bruti
sh: Go
seeke him: Ile
412apprehend him. Abhominable Villaine,
where is he?
413Bast . I do not well know my
L. If it
shall plea
se you to
spend your indignation again
st my Brother,
til you can
415deriue from him better te
stimony of his intent, you
416run a certaine cour
se: where,
if you violently proceed a
- 417gain
st him, mi
staking his purpo
se, it would make a great
418gap in your owne Honor,
shake in peeces,
the heart of
419his obedience. I dare pawne downe my life for him,
420he hath writ this to feele my a
ction to your Honor, &
421to no other pretence of danger.
423Bast. If your Honor iudge it meete, I will place you
424where you
shall heare vs conferre of this,
and by an Auri
- 425cular a
ssurance haue your
ction, and that without
426any further delay, then this very Euening.
427Glou. He cannot bee
such a Mon
Edmond seeke
428him out: winde me into him,
I pray you: frame the Bu
- 429sine
sse after your owne wi
sedome. I would vn
state my
430selfe, to be in a due re
431Bast. I will
seeke him Sir, pre
sently: conuey the bu
- 432sine
sse as I
find meanes,
and acquaint you withall.
433Glou. The
se late Eclip
ses in the Sun and Moone por
- 434tend no good to vs: though the wi
sedome of
Nature can
son it thus, and thus, yet Nature
finds it
436by the
sequent e
cts. Loue cooles, friend
ship falls o
437Brothers diuide. In Cities, mutinies; in Countries, di
s- 438cord; in Pallaces, Trea
son; and the Bond crack'd, 'twixt
439Sonne and Father. This villaine of mine comes vnder the
ction; there's Son again
st Father, the King fals from
441byas of Nature, there's Father again
st Childe. We haue
442seene the be
st of our time. Machinations, hollowne
443treacherie, and all ruinous di
sorders follow vs di
444to our Graues. Find out this Villain,
Edmond, it
shall lo
445thee nothing, do it carefully: and the Noble & true-har
- 446ted Kent bani
sh'd; his o
Exit 447Bast. This is the excellent foppery of the world, that
448when we are
sicke in fortune,often the
surfets of our own
449behauiour, we make guilty of our di
sters, the Sun, the
and Starres,
as if we were villaines on nece
451Fooles by heauenly compul
sion, Knaues, Theeues, and
452Treachers by Sphericall predominance. Drunkards,Ly
- 453ars,and Adulterers by an inforc'd obedience of Planatary
fluence; and all that we are euill in, by a diuine thru
- 455sting on. An admirable eua
sion of Whore-ma
456to lay his Goati
sh di
sition on the charge of a Starre,
457My father compounded with my mother vnder the Dra
- 458gons taile, and my Natiuity was vnder
Vrsa Maior,
459that it followes, I am rough and Leacherous. I
460haue bin that I am, had the maidenle
st Starre in the Fir
- 461mament twinkled on my ba
463Pat: he comes like the Cata
strophe of the old Comedie:
464my Cue is villanous Melancholly, with a
sighe like
Tom 465o'Bedlam. ---O the
se Eclip
ses do portend the
se diui
- 466sions. Fa, Sol, La, Me.
467Edg. How now Brother
Edmond, what
serious con
- 468templation are you in?
469Bast. I am thinking Brother of a predi
ction I read this
470other day, what
should follow the
se Eclip
471Edg. Do you bu
sie your
selfe with that?
472Bast. I promi
se you, the e
cts he writes of,
saw you my Father la
st ?
475Edg. The night gone by.
476Bast. Spake you with him
477Edg. I, two houres together.
478Bast. Parted you in good termes
? Found you no di
s- 479plea
sure in him, by word, nor countenance?
481Bast. Bethink your
selfe wherein you may haue o
- 482ded him: and at my entreaty forbeare his pre
sence, vntill
483some little time hath quali
fied the heat of his di
484which at this in
so rageth in him, that with the mi