Not Peer Reviewed
The Tragedy of Locrine (Third Folio, 1664)
1929Scena Quarta.
1930Enter Locrine, Estrild, Habren, Assarachus, and
1931the Souldiers.
1933In such great number come to Mertia,
1934And have they pitched there their host,
1936Assa. They are, my Lord, and mean incontinent
1938Locr. It makes me laugh, to think that Guendoline
1939Should have the heart to come in armes 'gainst me.
1941When as the spur doth gall him to the bone;
1944Well, we will try her choler to the proof,
1945And make her know, Locrine can brook no braves.
1947And bring us to their proud pavillion.Exeunt.