Not Peer Reviewed
The Tragedy of Locrine (Third Folio, 1664)
The Tragedy of Locrine.
90Where e're the joyfull day with cheerfull light,
91Where e're the light illuminates the world,
92The Trojans glory flies with golden wings,
94The fame of Brutus and his followers
96Of mighty Jove, Commander of the world,
98Comfort your self with this your great renown,
99And fear not Death, though he seem terrible.
102I fear'd not t' yield my self to fatall death,
103God knowes it was the least of all my thoughts,
104A greater care torments my very bones,
105And makes me tremble at the thought of it,
109I in the name of all protest to you,
111Were it to enter to black Tartarus,
112 Where triple Cerberus with his venomous throat,
114We'll either rent the bowels of the earth,
115Searching the entrails of the bruitish earth,
116Or with his Ixions overdaring soon,
117Be bound in Chains of everduring Steele.
119In which I will unto you all unfold,
120Our royall mind and resolute intent.
121When golden Hebe, Daughter to great Jove,
122Cover'd my manly Cheeks with youthfull Down,
124Drove me and old Assarachus mine Eame,
125As exiles from the bounds of Italy,
127To Grecians Monarch, noble Pandrassus,
128There I alone did undertake your cause,
129There I restor'd your antique liberty,
131Though brave Antigonus, with martiall band,
132In pitched field encountred me and mine,
133Though Pandrassus and his contributaries,
134With all the rout of their confederates,
135Sought to deface our glorious memory,
136And wipe the name of Trojans from the earth:
137 Him did I captivate with this mine Arme,
138And by compulsion forc't him to agree
139To certain Articles, which there we did propound.
141We came into the Fields of Lestrigon,
142Whereat our Brother Corineius was;
143Which when we passed the Cicilian gulf,
145Arrived on the coasts of Aquitain;
146Where with an Army of his barbarous Gaules
147Goffarius and his Brother Gathelus
151All in an hour, with his sharp Battle-Axe.
152From thence upon the stronds of Albion
153To Corus Haven happily we came,
154And quell'd the Giants, come of Albions race,
155With Gogmagog, Son to Samotheus,
156The cursed Captain of that damned crew,
157And in that Isle at length I placed you.
158Now let me see if my laborious toyles,
159If all my care, if all my grievous wounds,
160If all my diligence were well employ'd.
162 I hazarded my life and dearest blood,
163To purchase favour at your Princely hands,
164And for the same in dangerous attempts
166I shew'd the courage of my manly minde:
167For this I combated with Gathelus,
168The Brother to Goffarius of Gaule:
169For this I fought with furious Gogmagog,
171And for these deeds brave Cornwall I receiv'd,
172A gratefull gift given by a gracious King;
173And for this gift, this life and dearest blood,
174Will Corineius spend for Brutus good.
176The same will Debon doe unto his end.
179Favour my Sons, favour those Orphans, Lords,
180And shield them from the dangers of their foes.
181Locrine, the Columne of my Family,
182And onely Pillar of my weakned age:
183Locrine, draw near, draw near unto thy Sire,
185And for thou art the eldest of my Sons,
186Be thou a Captain to thy Brethren,
187 And imitate thy aged Fathers steps,
188Which will conduct thee to true honours gate:
189For if thou follow sacred virtues lore,
190Thou shalt be crowned with a Lawrel branch,
191And wear a wreathe of sempiternall fame,
192Sorted amongst the glorious happy ones.
193Locrin. If Locrine do not follow your advice,
194And beare himself in all things like a Prince
196Left unto him for an inheritance
198Let me be flung into the Ocean,
199And swallowed in the bowels of the earth.
200Or let the ruddy lightning of great Jove,
201Descend upon this my devolted head.
202Brutus taking Guendoline by the hand.
204Who shall be matched with our Royal Son,
205Locrine, receive this present at my hand:
206A gift more rich then are the wealthy Mines
207Found in the Bowels of America.
209Love her, and take her, for she is thine own,
213 For carefull Parents glory not so much
214At their honour and promotion,
216Seated in honour and prosperity.
217Guend. And far be it from my pure Maiden thoughts,
218To contradict her aged Fathers will.
220Hath given me now unto your Royal Self,