Not Peer Reviewed
The Tragedy of Locrine (Third Folio, 1664)
The Tragedy of Locrine.
2006Forgetting father, uncle, and thy self.
2011Words that can never win the victory,
2012But for you are so merry in your frumps,
2014That we may see who hath the better hand.
2016Think'st thou to fear me with thy taunting braves,
2017Or do we seem too weak to cope with thee?
2020Seal thee an acquittance for thy bold attempts.Exeunt.
2021Sound the alarum. Enter Locrine, Assaracus, and a
2022souldier at one door, Guendoline, Thrasimacus,
2023at an other, Locrine and his follow-
2024ers driven back.
2025Then let Locrine and Estrild enter again in a maze.
2028And we are left to be a laughing stock,
2029Scoft at by those that are our enemies,
2034 Like to grim Mars, when covered with his targe
2035He fought with Diomedes in the field,
2040Ne're shall we view the fair Concordia,
2041Unlesse as captives we be thither brought.
2042Shall Locrine then be taken prisoner,
2044Shall Guendoline captivate my love?
2049But O you judges of the ninefold Stix,
2052You gods, commanders of the heavenly spheers,
2055Forget O gods, this foul condemned fault:
2060Work now his death that hateth still his life.
2061Farewell fair Estrild, beauties paragon,
2062Fram'd in the front of forlorn miseries,
2065Thither I go before with hastened pace.
2066Farewell vain world, and thy inticing snares.
2068 And welcome death, the end of mortal smart,
2069 Welcome to Locrine's over-burthened heart.
2070Thrusts himself through with his sword.
2072Stream forth you tears from forth my watry eyes,
2073Help me to mourn for warlike Locrine's death,
2074Pour down your tears you watry regions,
2075For mighty Locrine is bereft of life.
2077What else are all things, that this globe contains,
2080That all our life is but a Tragedie.
2083Since martial Locrine is bereft of life,
2084Shall Estrild live then after Locrine's death?
2085 Shall love of life bar her from Locrine's sword?
2086O no, this sword that hath bereft his life,
2088Strengthen these hands O mighty Jupiter,
2089That I may end my wofull miserie,
2090Locrine I come, Locrine I follow thee.Kills her self.
2091Sound the alarme. Enter Sabren.
2095My mother murthred by a mortal wound?
2096What Thracian dog, what barbarous Mirmidon,
2099Would not bemone this mournfull Tragedie?
2100Locrine, the map of magnanimitie,
2104All heavenly grace and vertue was inshrind,
2105Both massacred are dead within this cave,
2106And with them dies fair Pallas and sweet love.
2107Here lies a sword, and Sabren hath a heart,
2110That they that live and view our Tragedy,
2111 May mourn our case with mournfull plaudities.
2112Let her offer to kill her self.
2113Ay me, my virgins hands are too too weak,
2114To penetrate the bullwarke of my brest,
2115My fingers us'd to tune the amorous Lute,
2116Are not of force to hold this steely glain,
2117So I am left to waile my parents death,
2118Not able for to work my proper death.
2119Ah Locrine, honour'd for thy noblenesse.
2121Ill may they fare that wrought your mortal ends.
2122Enter Guendoline, Thrasimachus, Madan,
2123and the Souldiers.
2125Find the proud strumpet, Humber's concubine,
2129Find me young Sabren, Locrine's only joy,
2130That I may glut my mind with lukewarme bloud,
2133Crying, revenge my over-hastened death,
2134My brother's exile, and mine own divorce,