Peer Reviewed
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
743 Enter Perillus solus.
746His youngest daughter he hath turnd away,
747And no man knowes what is become of her.
752It grieues her heart to see her father liue.
754When children thus against their parents rage?
755But he, the myrrour of mild patience,
and his three daughters.
756Puts vp all wrongs, and neuer giues reply:
758To call him foole and doterd to his face,
761Oh yron age! O times! O monstrous, vilde,
762When parents are contemned of the child!
764And will, e're long, the other halfe, I feare:
766But that which doth her fathers life maintayne.
768Since daughters proue disloyall to the father.
770Would I were able to redresse his wrong.
771Yet what I can, vnto my vtmost power,