Peer Reviewed
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
582Enter the Gallian King, and Mumford, dsguised
583like Pilgrims.
586And bound you to the contrary, you know.
587Mum. Pardon me for once, my Lord; I did forget.
590Mum. Swounds, I could bite my toung in two for anger:
593Mum. Might I be made the Monarch of the world,
595King. Then call me Will, ile call thee Iacke.
598A fayrer creature ne're mine eyes beheld.
600Wherein they both are maried vnto Kings;
601And I by byrth, as worthy as themselues,
602Am turnd into the world, to seeke my fortune.
603How may I blame the fickle Queene of Chaunce,
and his three daughters.
604That maketh me a patterne of her power?
605Ah, poore weake mayd, whose imbecility
606Is far vnable to indure these brunts.
607Oh, father Leir, how dost thou wrong thy child,
608Who alwayes was obedient to thy will!
609But why accuse I fortune and my father?
610No, no, it is the pleasure of my God:
611And I do willingly imbrace the rod.
613On fortune, and th'vnkindnesse of her father.
615I will exchange for other meaner habit.
616Mum. Now if I had a Kingdome in my hands,
617I would exchange it for a milkmaids smock and petycoate,
619Cord. I will betake me to my threed and Needle,
620And earne my liuing with my fingers ends.
623For all the shirts and night-geare that I weare.
627For if I do, I think my heart will breake.
630As that I know not which way to get out.
633Mum. Prithy Wil, to her, and try her patience.
635That euer any mortall eyes beheld,
636Vouchsafe to me, who haue o'reheard thy woes,
639When there's no meanes to find a remedy?
C2 King.The
The History of King Leir
643Releas'd the princely Lyon from the net.
645The tragick tale of my vnhappy youth:
646Know this in briefe, I am the haplesse daughter
647Of Leir, sometimes King of Brittany.
648King. Why, who debarres his honourable age,
649From being still the King of Brittany?
651And giuen all his Kingdome to the Kings
654Cor. He lou'd me not, & therfore gaue me nothing,
657Doth Fortune tryumph in my ouerthrow.
660To craue your loue, would you accept of him?
662Nor do not think, though fortune haue the power,
665For if the greatest Monarch on the earth,
666Should sue to me in this extremity,
667Except my heart could loue, and heart could like,
668Better then any that I euer saw,
670Then mountaynes moue by blast of euery wind.
673Therefore in witnesse of my true intent,
674Let heauen and earth beare record of my words:
675There is a young and lusty Gallian King,
676So like to me, as I am to my selfe,
677That earnestly doth craue to haue thy loue,
678And ioyne with thee in Hymens sacred bonds.
and his three daughters.
680Oh liue to adde new torments to my griefe:
681Why didst thou thus intrap me vnawares?
684Whilome when as I liu'd in honours height,
685A Prince perhaps might postulate my loue:
690Then be aduised, Palmer, what to do:
692King. Your birth's too high for any, but a King.
693Cor. My mind is low ynough to loue a Palmer,
694Rather then any King vpon the earth.
695King. O, but you neuer can indure their life,
697Cor. O yes, I can, and happy if I might:
699And thinke it is the Scepter of a Queene.
700Sometime ile set thy Bonnet on my head,
701And thinke I weare a rich imperiall Crowne.
702Sometime ile helpe thee in thy holy prayers,
703And thinke I am with thee in Paradise.
704Thus ile mock fortune, as she mocketh me,
705And neuer will my louely choyce repent:
706For hauing thee, I shall haue all content.
709Ah, deare Cordella, cordiall to my heart,
710I am no Palmer, as I seeme to be,
712To view th'admired beauty of those eyes.
713I am the King of Gallia, gentle mayd,
714 (Although thus slenderly accompanied)
715and yet thy vassayle by imperious Loue,
C3 All's
The History of King Leir
718All's one to me, I do request but this:
719That as I am, you will accept of me,
720And I will haue you whatsoe're you be:
721Yet well I know, you come of royall race,
724Fayth, then I hope the next that falles is myne:
726I would for euer weare a Palmers weed.
727I like an honest and playne dealing wench,
728That sweares (without exceptions) I will haue you.
731them ten tymes worse then poyson.
735King Leirs three daughters were wedded in one day:
736The celebration of this happy chaunce,
737We will deferre, vntill we come to Fraunce.
738Mum. I like the wooing, that's not long a doing.
739Well, for her sake, I know what I know:
740Ile neuer marry whilest I liue,
742My humour is alienated from the mayds of Fraunce. Exeunt.