Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: Anonymous
Editor: Andrew Griffin
Peer Reviewed

The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)

Enter the Gallian king with Mumford, and three
Nobles more.
King. Disswade me not, my Lords, I am resolu'd,
This next fayre wynd to sayle for Brittany,
345In some disguise, to see if flying fame
Be not too prodigall in the wondrous prayse
Of these three Nymphes, the daughters of King Leir.
If present view do answere absent prayse,
And eyes allow of what our eares haue heard,
350And Venus stand auspicious to my vowes,
And Fortune fauour what I take in hand;
I will returne seyz'd of as rich a prize
As Iason, when he wanne the golden fleece.
Mum. Heauens graūt you may; the match were ful of honor,
355And well beseeming the young Gallian King.
I would your Grace would fauour me so much,
As make me partner of your Pilgrimage.
I long to see the gallant Brittish Dames,
And feed mine eyes vpon their rare perfections:
360For till I know the contrary, Ile say,
Our Dames in Fraunce are more fayre then they.
Kin. Lord Mumford, you haue saued me a labour,
In offring that which I did meane to aske:
And I most willingly accept your company.
365Yet first I will inioyne you to obserue
Some few conditions which I shall propose.
Mum. So that you do not tye mine eyes for looking
After the amorous glaunces of fayre Dames:
So that you do not tye my toung from speaking,
370My lips from kissing when occasion serues,
My hands from congees, and my knees to bow
To gallant Gyrles which were a taske more hard,
Then flesh and bloud is able to indure:
Commaund what else you please, I rest content.
375Kin. To bind thee from a thing thou canst not leaue,
Were but a meane to make thee seeke it more:
and his three daughters.
And therefore speake, looke, kisse, salute for me;
In these my selfe am like to second thee.
Now heare thy taske. I charge thee from the time
380That first we set sayle for the Brittish shore,
To vse no words of dignity to me,
But in the friendliest maner that thou canst,
Make vse of me as thy companion:
For we will go disguisde in Palmers weeds,
385That no man shall mistrust vs what we are.
Mum. If that be all, ile fit your turne, I warrant you. I am
some kin to the Blunts, and I think, the bluntesstof all my kin-
dred; therfore if I bee too blunt with you, thank your selfe for
praying me to be so.
390King. Thy pleasant company will make the way seeme short.
It resteth now, that in my absence hence,
I do commit the gouernment to you
My trusty Lords and faythfull Counsellers.
Time cutteth off the rest I haue to say:
395The wynd blowes fayre, and I musstneeds away.
Nobles. Heauens send your voyage to as good effect,
As we your land do purpose to protect. Exeunt.